Re: explain plans for foreign servers

From: dinesh salve <cooltodinesh(at)gmail(dot)com>
To: Anton Shmigirilov <a(dot)shmigirilov(at)postgrespro(dot)ru>
Cc: pgsql-hackers(at)postgresql(dot)org, zhihuifan1213(at)163(dot)com
Subject: Re: explain plans for foreign servers
Date: 2024-12-14 12:49:37
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On Mon, Nov 25, 2024 at 10:23 PM Anton Shmigirilov <
a(dot)shmigirilov(at)postgrespro(dot)ru> wrote:

> > Hi Hackers,
> >
> > I am working on a feature in postgres_fdw extension to show plans used
> by remote postgresql servers in the output of the EXPLAIN command.
> > I think this will help end users understand query execution plans used
> by remote servers. Sample output for table people where people_1 is local
> partition and people_2 is remote partition would look like -
> >
> > postgres:5432> explain select * from "test"."people";
> > Append (cost=0.00..399.75 rows=2270 width=46)
> > → Seq Scan on "people.people_1" people_1 (cost=0.00..21.00 rows=1100
> width=46)
> > → Foreign Scan on "people.people_2" people_2 (cost=100.00..367.40
> rows=1170 width=46)
> > Remote Plan
> > Seq Scan on "people.people_2" (cost=0.00..21.00 rows=1100
> width=46)
> > (5 rows)
> >
> > I would like community inputs on below high level thoughts:
> >
> > 1. To enable this feature, either we can introduce a new option in
> EXPLAIN command e.g. (fetch_remote_plans true) or control this behaviour
> using a guc defined in postgres_fdw extension. I am more inclined
> towards guc as this feature is for extension postgres_fdw. Adding the
> EXPLAIN command option might force other FDW extensions to handle this.
> >
> > 2. For ANALYZE = false, the idea is that postgres_fdw would create a
> connection to a remote server, prepare SQL to send over connection and
> store received plans in ExplainState.
> >
> > 3. For ANALYZE = true, idea is that postgres_fdw would set a new guc
> over connection to remote server, remote server postgres_fdw would read
> this guc and send back used query plan as a NOTICE (similar to auto_explain
> extension does) with custom header which postgres_fdw extension
> understands. . We also have an opportunity to introduce a new message type
> in the protocol to send back explain plans but it might look like too much
> work for this feature. Open to ideas here.
> >
> > Dinesh Salve
> > SDE(at)AWS
> Hi Dinesh,
> Thank you for your proposal regarding explain for foreign servers.
> I have been working on a similar feature and there are several
> considerations to take into account.
> To enable this feature it is preferable to use GUC rather than the EXPLAIN
> option, as it simplifies regression testing. You can simply set it to off
> before most tests that involve plan checking, while leaving the rest
> unchanged. This leads to a reduction in the size of the differences.
> If it is necessary to provide only the execution plan of the foreign query
> (without actual timing metrics), you should send EXPLAIN with ANALYZE set
> to OFF, regardless of the initial ANALYZE state. This approach will prevent
> the re-execution of the remote query (the SQL part of the ForeignScan
> node), which could potentially lead to side effects. It's safe to send
> ANALYZE ON during remote EXPLAIN only if your remote SQL is idempotent,
> i.e. doesn't change anything. That way you can't sent it for *Modify nodes,
> but it can be applicable for certain ForeignScans, such as those involving
> FunctionScan. In general, it is safer to enforce ANALYZE OFF in all cases.
> Also you can't expose to main EXPLAIN some metrics obtained from remote
> side through the "remote" explain. For example, values such as actual time,
> planning time, execution time, and similar metrics cannot be exposed
> because they relates to events that occurred during the "EXPLAIN"
> communication, rather than during the actual planning and execution phases.
> Therefore, these times would likely mislead the user. I suppose it's better
> to enforce EXPLAIN with TIMING OFF and SUMMARY OFF when obtaining the
> remote portion of EXPLAIN.
> While reconstructing (deparsing) the SQL query to send as part of EXPLAIN
> to the remote server, you can obtain SQL statements with placeholders (i.e.
> $1, $2, etc) instead of actual parameter values. It's syntactically
> incorrect SQL, which will lead to an error on the remote side. There are
> two ways to avoid this. You can use GENERIC_PLAN feature (v16+), which
> accepts dollar-parameters here. Another option is to use params_list ==
> NULL in the deparseSelectStmtForRel() function to substitute dummy null
> values for placeholders, thereby generating syntactically correct SQL. The
> downside of this approach is the need to perform an additional deparse
> stage, which can be redundant.
> However looking forward a patch, it is likely that some (or all) of my
> thoughts may become irrelevant.
> --
> Best regards,
> Anton Shmigirilov,
> Postgres Professional

Hello Anton,

Yeah, using guc to enable this feature. I am using auto_explain style
design to get a query plan after foreign server executes it. I am
forwarding user EXPLAIN options to foreign as it is so as to ensure the
user gets expected output. I have prepared a patch which works for SELECT
commands and I am planning to work on other commands based on feedback
so that I invest in right direction. Appreciate if you could take a look
and share feedback. Attached the steps I used to test this as well. Looping
in Andy as he expressed interest in review :)

Dinesh Salve

Attachment Content-Type Size
test-foreign-explain-patch.txt text/plain 907 bytes
0001-enable-fetching-explain-plans-from-foreign-server.patch application/octet-stream 39.2 KB

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