Re: PgBouncer 1.24.0 - New upstream version

From: Bradford Boyle <bradford(dot)d(dot)boyle(at)gmail(dot)com>
To: Christoph Berg <cb(at)df7cb(dot)de>, Bradford Boyle <bradford(dot)d(dot)boyle(at)gmail(dot)com>, pgsql-pkg-debian(at)postgresql(dot)org
Subject: Re: PgBouncer 1.24.0 - New upstream version
Date: 2025-02-05 07:40:16
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Lists: pgsql-pkg-debian

On Tue, Feb 4, 2025 at 7:06 AM Christoph Berg <cb(at)df7cb(dot)de> wrote:
> Unfortunately that needs more work as it looks like:
> bookworm and others:
> 14:54:22 E AttributeError: 'PGconn' object has no attribute 'close_prepared'

Yeah -- it looks like close_prepared was added in psycopg 3.2.0 and
bookworm has 3.1.7. I could patch the tests to include a skipif based on
the version of psycopg.

> bullseye doesn't have python3-psycopg (and building that doesn't look
> trivial). Do we think we could go without or with less tests there?

I think we could go without tests on bullseye since it seems like we are
nearing the trixie release and bullseye will become old old stable.
(Correct me if I am wrong on this point, I'm making this assumption
based on the trixie freeze dates). There's probably little value in
creating extra work here.

It looks like d/rules for pgbouncer will skip the tests if nocheck is in
DEB_BUILD_OPTIONS -- is this something that can be configured via the Jenkins
YAML? I am not very familiar with the Jenkins job builder YAML and I didn't see
any usages of that in the current set of jobs. Or would I need to update
generate-pgdg-source to include an additional tweak to disable the tests on
older platforms?

-- Bradford

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