PgBouncer 1.24.0 - New upstream version

From: Bradford Boyle <bradford(dot)d(dot)boyle(at)gmail(dot)com>
To: pgsql-pkg-debian(at)postgresql(dot)org
Subject: PgBouncer 1.24.0 - New upstream version
Date: 2025-01-11 08:46:30
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Lists: pgsql-pkg-debian

Hi All,

PgBouncer 1.24.0 was recently released [0]. I've updated the Debian
package with this new version but I am running into some issues with the
autopkgtests. The autopkgtests passes on Salsa's CI but is failing on
my both my local system and jengus [1].

On my local system, the test fails to create a new regress cluster
because port 5432 is already in use. I recently switched my sbuild
configuration from schroot to unshare. It looks like the unshare backend
doesn't create a new network namespace when running the autopkgtests.
If I stop the main postgres cluster on my machine before running
sbuild/autopkgtest, then the test passes. After reviewing the
autopkgtest docs [2] and the test script, I think we might need to add
isolation-container to the test's restrictions. On my local system, this
causes the test to be skipped since the unshare backend doesn't provide
this capability.

I will try to look in to this some more in the next few days, but I
wanted to check and see if anyone had run into similar issues with
building and testing other packages.

-- Bradford



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