Re: Redis & SQLite FDW packages

From: Bradford Boyle <bradford(dot)d(dot)boyle(at)gmail(dot)com>
To: pgsqlitegis(at)tutamail(dot)com, pgsql-pkg-debian(at)lists(dot)postgresql(dot)org
Subject: Re: Redis & SQLite FDW packages
Date: 2025-02-04 05:29:41
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Lists: pgsql-pkg-debian

Hi Michel,

I've reviewed your branch and here is my feedback:

* d/changelog is for the Debian version of the package

Since the first packaged version of the extension is 2.5.0, the
changelog should start with that version. Older versions are not
included since they haven't been uploaded to the Debian archive.

* Potentially incorrect version format

This depends on whether the package is intended to be a native or
non-native package; see [0] for a summary of the differences between
the two. The majority of PostgreSQL Debian packages that I have
reviewed/worked on have been non-native. For a non-native package,
the Debian package version is a combination of the upstream version
(e.g., 2.5.0) and a Debian component (e.g., 2.5.0-1).

* Invalid Source and Package name

Per Debian policy [1]:

> Package names (both source and binary, see Package) must consist
> only of lower case letters (a-z), digits (0-9), plus (+) and minus
> (-) signs, and periods (.). They must be at least two characters
> long and must start with an alphanumeric character.

So the correct name for the source package would be sqlite-fdw and
for the binary package postgresql-PGVERSION-sqlite-fdw

* Missing some common Build-Depends that dh_make_pgxs includes when
creating a new source package

* Incorrect matching pattern in d/watch

The matching pattern needs to match hrefs in the web page at found
at the URL. In this case, it needs to match the tag format of

* Additional packages are required for running the installcheck test

I needed to include locales-all, sqlite3, and tzdata-legacy in the
tests dependencies for the test to run

* Needed to pass REGRESS_PREFIX to make when running installcheck

The latest version of PostgreSQL in Debian unstable is 17.2. When
running the installcheck target, this version was expanded into a
directory path to specify which SQL queries to run during testing
but the there is no 17.2 directory under expected. This will
probably require a change to upstream sqlite_fdw in order for the
test to successfully run on the full matrix of supported PG

I have pushed my work-in-progress (which incorporates your work) to a
personal repo on [3].

To try building the binary package localy, you can install the
devscripts package and then try running debuild -i -us -uc -b. I have my
development environment setup to build packages with sbuild [2] so I
haven't tested this. I wouldn't recommend setting up sbuild unless you
intend to really get involved with broader Debian packaging work.

-- Bradford


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