Workspace Layout Update

From: Akshay Joshi <akshay(dot)joshi(at)enterprisedb(dot)com>
To: pgadmin-hackers <pgadmin-hackers(at)postgresql(dot)org>
Subject: Workspace Layout Update
Date: 2025-02-11 12:30:19
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Lists: pgadmin-hackers

Hi All,

Based on feedback from some users regarding the new Workspace layout, we've
made a few improvements to the logic. With these changes, the *Query Tool*
and *PSQL* tabs will now open in the same active workspace where the action
is initiated.

For example:

- If you're currently working in the default workspace with the Tree
view and you open the Query Tool/View/Edit Data or PSQL, it will open
within the same workspace.
- Similarly, if any action is triggered from the *Welcome page* for the
Query Tool or PSQL, the respective tab will open in the same active

Additionally, we've introduced a new preference setting: *"Open the Query
Tool/PSQL in their respective workspaces"*. By default, this setting is
*False*. If set to *True*, it will behave like the v9.0 release, where the
Query Tool, PSQL, and Schema Diff tabs will open in their respective
workspaces when the Workspace layout is used.

We believe this update will provide a more streamlined experience for all
users. These changes will be available starting with the v9.1 release
scheduled for *March 6th*. However, if you'd like to try them earlier, you
can install the nightly build
<> dated 2025-02-12
or above.

Akshay Joshi

Principle Software Architect

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