Re: Revisiting {CREATE INDEX, REINDEX} CONCURRENTLY improvements

From: Michail Nikolaev <michail(dot)nikolaev(at)gmail(dot)com>
To: Matthias van de Meent <boekewurm+postgres(at)gmail(dot)com>
Cc: Michael Paquier <michael(at)paquier(dot)xyz>, PostgreSQL Hackers <pgsql-hackers(at)postgresql(dot)org>, Andrey Borodin <amborodin86(at)gmail(dot)com>, Melanie Plageman <melanieplageman(at)gmail(dot)com>
Subject: Re: Revisiting {CREATE INDEX, REINDEX} CONCURRENTLY improvements
Date: 2025-01-08 02:12:00
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Lists: pgsql-hackers

Hello, everyone!

Some updates:

* Rebased.
* Resolved the issue with integer overflow in memory calculation, which
caused a performance drop during sorting.
* Fixed a broken tag in the documentation.
* Added per-tuple progress tracking in the validation phase.

Additionally, the anomaly with the GIST index has been clarified.

It occurs because the first phase is slow, and many tuples need to be
inserted during the validation phase.
For each tuple, heapam_index_fetch_tuple is called, even for those on the
same page.
It might be possible to implement a batched version of
heapam_index_fetch_tuple to handle multiple tuples on the same page and
mitigate this issue.

Best regards,

Attachment Content-Type Size
v11-0008-Concurrently-built-index-validation-uses-fresh-s.patch application/octet-stream 15.9 KB
v11-0010-Add-proper-handling-of-auxiliary-indexes-during-.patch application/octet-stream 28.7 KB
v11-0011-Updates-index-insert-and-value-computation-logic.patch application/octet-stream 2.2 KB
v11-0009-Remove-PROC_IN_SAFE_IC-optimization.patch application/octet-stream 20.6 KB
v11-0007-Improve-CREATE-REINDEX-INDEX-CONCURRENTLY-using-.patch application/octet-stream 102.0 KB
v11-0006-Add-STIR-Short-Term-Index-Replacement-access-met.patch application/octet-stream 37.3 KB
v11-0003-Allow-advancing-xmin-during-non-unique-non-paral.patch application/octet-stream 43.2 KB
v11-0005-Allow-snapshot-resets-in-concurrent-unique-index.patch application/octet-stream 39.0 KB
v11-0004-Allow-snapshot-resets-during-parallel-concurrent.patch application/octet-stream 34.1 KB
v11-0002-Add-stress-tests-for-concurrent-index-operations.patch application/octet-stream 8.0 KB application/octet-stream 17.5 KB

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