Re: Improve CRC32C performance on SSE4.2

From: John Naylor <johncnaylorls(at)gmail(dot)com>
To: Nathan Bossart <nathandbossart(at)gmail(dot)com>
Cc: "Devulapalli, Raghuveer" <raghuveer(dot)devulapalli(at)intel(dot)com>, "pgsql-hackers(at)lists(dot)postgresql(dot)org" <pgsql-hackers(at)lists(dot)postgresql(dot)org>, "Shankaran, Akash" <akash(dot)shankaran(at)intel(dot)com>
Subject: Re: Improve CRC32C performance on SSE4.2
Date: 2025-03-11 11:13:05
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Lists: pgsql-hackers

On Tue, Mar 11, 2025 at 4:47 AM Nathan Bossart <nathandbossart(at)gmail(dot)com> wrote:
> On Mon, Mar 10, 2025 at 03:48:31PM +0700, John Naylor wrote:
> > On Tue, Mar 4, 2025 at 2:11 AM Nathan Bossart <nathandbossart(at)gmail(dot)com> wrote:
> >> Overall, I wish we could avoid splitting things into separate files and
> >> adding more header file gymnastics, but maybe there isn't much better we
> >> can do without overhauling the CPU feature detection code.
> >
> > I wanted to make an attempt to make this aspect nicer. v13-0002
> > incorporates deliberately compact and simple loops for inlined
> > constant input into the dispatch function, and leaves the existing
> > code alone. This avoids code churn and saves vertical space in the
> > copied code. It needs a bit more commentary, but I hope this is a more
> > digestible prerequisite to the CLMUL algorithm -- as a reminder, it'll
> > be simpler if we can always assume non-constant input can go through a
> > function pointer.
> That is certainly more readable. FWIW I think it would be entirely
> reasonable to replace the pg_crc32c_sse42.c implementation with a call to
> this new pg_comp_crc32c_dispatch() function. Of course, you'd have to
> split things up like:
> [snip]

That could work as well. I'm thinking if we do PMULL on Arm, it might
be advantageous to keep the inline path and function paths with
distinct coding -- because of the pickier alignment on that platform,
it might not be worth pre-aligning the pointer to 8 bytes for a
20-byte constant input.

I've gone ahead and added the generated AVX-512 algorithm in v14-0005,
and added the build support and some of the runtime support from Paul
and Raghuveer's earlier patches in 0006-7. It passes CI, but I'll have
to arrange access to other hardware to verify the runtime behavior. I
think the Meson support is most of the way there, but it looks like got whacked around cosmetically quite a bit. If we feel
it's time to refactor things there, we'll want to split that out. In
any case, for autoconf I've pretty much kept the earlier work for now.

John Naylor
Amazon Web Services

Attachment Content-Type Size
v14-0004-Always-do-runtime-check-for-x86-to-simplify-PCLM.patch text/x-patch 5.0 KB
v14-0008-Temp-fixup-build-of-benchmark-on-Windows.patch text/x-patch 1.1 KB
v14-0007-AVX-512-CRC-autoconf.patch text/x-patch 18.1 KB
v14-0005-Add-runtime-support-for-AVX-512-CRC.patch text/x-patch 2.8 KB
v14-0006-AVX-512-CRC-Meson.patch text/x-patch 7.6 KB
v14-0002-Inline-CRC-computation-for-fixed-length-input.patch text/x-patch 1.8 KB
v14-0003-Improve-CRC32C-performance-on-x86_64.patch text/x-patch 8.1 KB
v14-0001-Add-a-Postgres-SQL-function-for-crc32c-benchmark.patch text/x-patch 6.4 KB

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