Re: Packages for pg_doorman

From: Smolkin Grigory <smallkeen(at)gmail(dot)com>
To: Bradford Boyle <bradford(dot)d(dot)boyle(at)gmail(dot)com>
Cc: Christoph Berg <myon(at)debian(dot)org>, pgsql-pkg-debian(at)postgresql(dot)org
Subject: Re: Packages for pg_doorman
Date: 2025-03-16 07:32:39
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Lists: pgsql-pkg-debian

> Can we use cargo vendor?
>My understanding is that Debian policy >does not permit downloading
>during the build [0].

>Would it be acceptable to install the compiler from
during package building?
>> My understanding is that Debian policy does not permit downloading
during the build [0].

Ok, I suppose we have to live with distribution compiler. Though, it may
make some old systems without rust 1.70.0 unsupportable.

>> According to this post [1] on the debian-rust mailing list, "vendoring
should be avoided unless there is a very good reason not to".
>> The Debian Rust packaging team has a pretty comprehensive guide [2] and
it looks like they have tooling to help assist with the packaging process.

I think we have a very good reason here - a lot of distributions of
different versions with different libversions. Even making it just to be
"compilable" would require tremendous effort, supporting it will be

I see no good reason not to use vendoring in case of "multiple
distribution"-build process.
1. It's a tarboll artifact, released with main project, under the same
release tag.
2. It is reproducible and has public hash, so it can be verified.
3. It allows local build, nothing has to be downloaded.
4. Consistent binary behavior across multiple distributions.

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