pg_combinebackup and multiple tablespaces

From: Mauricio Fernandez <mmauricio(dot)fernandez(at)gmail(dot)com>
To: Pgsql-admin <pgsql-admin(at)lists(dot)postgresql(dot)org>
Subject: pg_combinebackup and multiple tablespaces
Date: 2025-01-07 15:49:04
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Lists: pgsql-admin

Hi admins, I have the following situation:

Cluster located at $PGDATA
Two extra tablespaces located in $PGTBS/tbs_laboratorio_02
and $PGTBS/tbs_recetas respectively.

I could generate a base and one incremental backup succesly. Both
using --tablespace-mapping options, like the next commands

[postgres(at)buda ~]$ pg_basebackup -c fast -D $PGBKP/fisicos/base_plano -R -P

[postgres(at)buda ~]$ pg_basebackup -c fast -P -D $PGBKP/fisicos/viernes
--incremental $PGBKP/fisicos/base_plano/backup_manifest \

And now I'm trying to combine y get a full backup using pg_combinebackup,
but I'am getting errors. I'm assuming the commando need to map de 4
tablespace ditectorys generated throug base backup and incremental backup

The $PGBKP/fisicos/restore exists and is empty, before and after the
command execution.

[postgres(at)buda ~]$ pg_combinebackup $PGBKP/fisicos/base_plano
$PGBKP/fisicos/viernes -o $PGBKP/fisicos/restore \

pg_combinebackup: error: can't create directory
«/var/lib/pgsql/17/backups/devadv01/fisicos/restore/tbs_recetas»: The file
already exists
pg_combinebackup: deleting output
pg_combinebackup: deleting output directory
pg_combinebackup: deleting the content of the output
directory «/var/lib/pgsql/17/backups/devadv01/fisicos/restore»

I'm at a dead end

Thanks in advance


Mauricio Fernández

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