#7076 - Keychain access on Mac

From: Yogesh Mahajan <yogesh(dot)mahajan(at)enterprisedb(dot)com>
To: pgadmin-hackers <pgadmin-hackers(at)postgresql(dot)org>
Subject: #7076 - Keychain access on Mac
Date: 2024-08-05 12:27:07
Message-ID: CAMa=N=NWVwbd3RxwHcOZsqNVJNeaWXpS=yVPCOO5rbQkZRGJKw@mail.gmail.com
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Hi Hackers,

Issue #7076 <https://github.com/pgadmin-org/pgadmin4/issues/7076> has been
reported by many Mac users. Issue has popped up when python binary version
is changed for the pgadmin.

To save server passwords, pgadmin uses os level secret storage (in case of
Mac it is keyring) and adds an entry for each save password. Whenever the
python binary version is changed, keychain (python lib used to access
keychain) asks for a password 2 times for accessing each entry. If you have
10 servers, then it will ask for 20 times.

To fix the issue, pgadmin will follow the same approach as chrome.
1.An encryption key will be auto-generated and will be stored in the
2.Whenever save password request is received, encryption key will be used
to encrypt password and encrypted password will be saved in the pgadmin
3.Similarly, while retrieving the password, encryption will be pulled from
the keychain and will be used to decrypt the password.
This will reduce password asks to 2 times on python binary version change.

Kindly share your inputs/suggestions/thoughts.

Yogesh Mahajan


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