data output window shows column defs

From: David Bear <David(dot)Bear(at)heritageacademyaz(dot)com>
To: pgadmin-support(at)postgresql(dot)org
Subject: data output window shows column defs
Date: 2024-09-06 15:10:52
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Lists: pgadmin-support

I just upgraded to the latest pgadmin v8.11 .. I used pip to upgrade

Now when I view or edit data in a table I am only shown the column names
and types -- no data, well almost.

I see the column defs vertically instead of horizontally. and if there are
only a small number of columns see 1 or 2 records after that -- listed
vertically as well. Since there is no vertical scroll bar, there isn't
much use to this. It is behaving as of the table style was messed up.. but
its not a table. I see it is a collection of <div>s ..

Still seems like its a css problem with positioning.

I am using firefox 115.15 ESR ..

But wait -- when I use opera -- the table display is correct.

So I think this is an issue with Firefox... outch. Firefox,,, don't fail
me now.

Kind Regards,
* David Bear *
Director, Information Technology

Heritage Academy Schools




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