Proposal: "query_work_mem" GUC, to distribute working memory to the query's individual operators

From: James Hunter <james(dot)hunter(dot)pg(at)gmail(dot)com>
To: "pgsql-hackers(at)lists(dot)postgresql(dot)org" <pgsql-hackers(at)lists(dot)postgresql(dot)org>
Subject: Proposal: "query_work_mem" GUC, to distribute working memory to the query's individual operators
Date: 2025-01-10 18:00:15
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I want customers to be able to run large OLAP queries on PostgreSQL,
using as much memory as possible, to avoid spilling — without running
out of memory.

There are other ways to run out of memory, but the fastest and easiest
way, on an OLAP query, is to use a lot of work_mem. (This is true for
any SQL database: SQL operators are “usually” streaming operators...
except for those that use work_mem.) PostgreSQL already supports the
work_mem GUC, and every PostgreSQL operator tries very hard to spill
to disk rather than exceed its work_mem limit. For now, I’m not
concerned about other ways for queries to run out of memory — just

I like the way PostgreSQL operators respect work_mem, but I can’t find
a good way to set the work_mem GUC. Oracle apparently had the same
problem, with their RDBMS, 20 years ago [1]:

“In releases earlier than Oracle Database 10g, the database
administrator controlled the maximum size of SQL work areas by setting
the following parameters: SORT_AREA_SIZE, HASH_AREA_SIZE, ... Setting
these parameters is difficult, because the maximum work area size is
ideally selected from the data input size and the total number of work
areas active in the system. These two factors vary greatly from one
work area to another and from one time to another. Thus, the various
*_AREA_SIZE parameters are difficult to tune under the best of

“For this reason, Oracle strongly recommends that you leave automatic
PGA memory management enabled.”

It’s difficult to tune PostgreSQL’s work_mem and hash_mem_multiplier
GUCs, under the best of circumstances, yeah. The work_mem and
hash_mem_multiplier GUCs apply to all operators of a given type, even
though two operators of the same type, even in the same query, might
need vastly different amounts of work_mem.

I would like a “query_work_mem” GUC, similar to what’s proposed in
[2]. This GUC would be useful on its own, because it would be much
easier to tune than the existing work_mem + hash_mem_multiplier GUCs;
and it would serve as a milestone on a path to my ultimate goal of
something like Oracle’s “automatic PGA memory management.”

I call it “query_work_mem,” rather than “max_total_backend_memory,”
because (a) for now, I care only about limiting work_mem, I’ll deal
with other types of memory separately; and (b) “query” instead of
“backend” avoids ambiguity over how much memory a recursively-compiled
query gets.

(Re (b), see “crosstab()”, [3]. The “sql text” executed by crosstab()
would get its own query_work_mem allocation, separate from the query
that called the crosstab() function.)

The main problem I have with the “max_total_backend_memory” proposal,
however, is that it “enforces” its limit by killing the offending
query. This seems an overreaction to me, especially since PostgreSQL
operators already know how to spill to disk. If a customer’s OLAP
query exceeds its memory limit by 1%, I would rather spill 1% of their
data to disk, instead of cancelling their entire query.

(And if their OLAP query exceeds its memory limit by 1,000x... I still
don’t want PostgreSQL to preemptively cancel it, because either the
customer ends up OK with the overall performance, even with the
spilling; or else they decide the query is taking too long, and cancel
it themselves. I don’t want to be in the business of preemptively
cancelling customer queries.)

So, I want a query_work_mem GUC, and I want PostgreSQL to distribute
that total query_work_mem to the query’s individual SQL operators, so
that each operator will spill rather than exceed its per-operator

Making query_work_mem a session GUC makes it feasible for a DBA or an
automated system to distribute memory from a global memory pool among
individual queries, e.g. via pg_hint_plan(). So (as mentioned above),
“query_work_mem” is useful to a DBA, and also a step toward a
fully-automated memory-management system.

How should “query_work_mem” work? Let’s start with an example: suppose
we have an OLAP query that has 2 Hash Joins, and no other operators
that use work_mem. Suppose we’re pretty sure that one of the Hash
Joins will use 10 KB of work_mem, while the other will use 1 GB. And
suppose we know that the PostgreSQL instance has 1 GB of memory
available, for use by our OLAP query. (Perhaps we reserve 1 GB for
OLAP queries, and we allow only 1 OLAP query at a time; or perhaps we
have some sort of dynamic memory manager.)

How should we configure PostgreSQL so that our OLAP query spills as
little as possible, without running out of memory?

-- First, we could just say: 2 operators, total available working
memory is 1 GB — give each operator 512 MB. Then we would spill 512 MB
from the large Hash Join, because we’d waste around 512 MB for the
small Hash Join. We’re undersubscribing, to be safe, but our
performance suffers. That’s bad! We’re basically wasting memory that
the query would like to use.

-- Second, we could say, instead: the small Hash Join is *highly
unlikely* to use > 1 MB, so let’s just give both Hash Joins 1023 MB,
expecting that the small Hash Join won’t use more than 1 MB of its
1023 MB allotment anyway, so we won’t run OOM. In effect, we’re
oversubscribing, betting that the small Hash Join will just stay
within some smaller, “unenforced” memory limit.

In this example, this bet is probably fine — but it won’t work in
general. I don’t want to be in the business of gambling with customer
resources: if the small Hash Join is unlikely to use more than 1 MB,
then let’s just assign it 1 MB of work_mem. That way, if I’m wrong,
the customer’s query will just spill, instead of running out of
memory. I am very strongly opposed to cancelling queries if/when we
can just spill to disk.

-- Third, we could just rewrite the existing “work_mem” logic so that
all of the query’s operators draw, at runtime, from a single,
“query_work_mem” pool. So, an operator won’t spill until all of
“query_work_mem” is exhausted — by the operator itself, or by some
other operator in the same query.

But doing that runs into starvation/fairness problems, where an
unlucky operator, executing later in the query, can’t get any
query_work_mem, because earlier, greedy operators used up all of it.

The solution I propose here is just to distribute the “query_work_mem”
into individual, per-operator, work_mem limits.


I propose that we add a “query_work_mem” GUC, which works by
distributing (using some algorithm to be described in a follow-up
email) the entire “query_work_mem” to the query’s operators. And then
each operator will spill when it exceeds its own work_mem limit. So
we’ll preserve the existing “spill” logic as much as possible.

To enable this to-be-described algorithm, I would add an “nbytes”
field to the Path struct, and display this (and related info) in
EXPLAIN PLAN. So the customer will be able to see how much work_mem
the SQL compiler thinks they’ll need, per operator; and so will the

I wouldn’t change the existing planning logic (at least not in the
initial implementaton). So the existing planning logic would choose
between different SQL operators, still on the assumption that every
operator that needs working memory will get work_mem [*
hash_mem_multiplier]. This assumption might understate or overstate
the actual working memory we’ll give the operator, at runtime. If it
understates, the planner will be biased in favor of operators that
don’t use much working memory. If it overstates, the planner will be
biased in favor of operators that use too much working memory.

(We could add a feedback loop to the planner, or even something simple
like generating multiple path, at different “work_mem” limits, but
everything I can think of here adds complexity without much potential
benefit. So I would defer any changes to the planner behavior until
later, if ever.)

The to-be-described algorithm would look at a query’s Paths’ “nbytes”
fields, as well as the session “work_mem” GUC (which would, now, serve
as a hint to the SQL compiler), and decide how much of
“query_work_mem” to assign to the corresponding Plan node.

It would assign that limit to a new “work_mem” field, on the Plan
node. And this limit would also be exposed, of course, in EXPLAIN
ANALYZE, along with the actual work_mem usage, which might very well
exceed the limit. This will let the customer know when a query spills,
and why.

I would write the algorithm to maintain the existing work_mem
behavior, as much as possible. (Backward compatibility is good!) Most
likely, it would treat “work_mem” (and “hash_mem_multiplier”) as a
*minimum* work_mem. Then, so long as query_work_mem exceeds the sum of
work_mem [* hash _mem_multiplier] , for all operators in the query,
all operators would be assigned at least work_mem, which would make my
proposal a Pareto improvement.

Last, at runtime, each PlanState would check its plan -> work_mem
field, rather than the global work_mem GUC. Execution would otherwise
be the same as today.

What do you think?



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