[BUG] Possible occurrence of segfault in ecpg test

From: Daniil Davydov <3danissimo(at)gmail(dot)com>
To: pgsql-hackers(at)postgresql(dot)org
Subject: [BUG] Possible occurrence of segfault in ecpg test
Date: 2024-12-10 05:45:15
Message-ID: CAJDiXgiytSwgU4FLscNXwvz7tp1Qi75utMHhPKNkmy7mnOpAaA@mail.gmail.com
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Lists: pgsql-hackers

The src/interfaces/ecpg/test/sql/bytea.pgc file contains the following code :
exec sql truncate test;
exec sql insert into test values(:send_buf[0], :send_buf[1]);
exec sql insert into test values(:send_buf[0], :send_buf[1]);
exec sql select data1 into :recv_vlen_buf from test;
dump_binary(recv_vlen_buf[0].arr, recv_vlen_buf[0].len, 0);
dump_binary(recv_vlen_buf[1].arr, recv_vlen_buf[1].len, 0);

recv_vlen_buf is initialized in the following way :
bytea recv_vlen_buf[][DATA_SIZE];
recv_vlen_buf = NULL

Thus, if the program behaves in an unexpected way and the transaction
is aborted before it executes the
"select data1 into :recv_vlen_buf from test" query, dump_binary will
refer to a null pointer. So, instead of an error
message, the user will see a segfault.

I think that in all such cases it is worth adding some checks into
.pgc and .c files (like in attached patch)

Best regards,
Daniil Davydov

Attachment Content-Type Size
0001-Fix-refer-to-a-null-pointer.patch text/x-patch 30.0 KB


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