Re: Sudden insert performance degradation

From: Henrique Montenegro <typoon(at)gmail(dot)com>
To: Jeff Janes <jeff(dot)janes(at)gmail(dot)com>
Cc: "pgsql-performa(dot)" <pgsql-performance(at)postgresql(dot)org>
Subject: Re: Sudden insert performance degradation
Date: 2020-07-15 01:13:36
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Lists: pgsql-performance

On Tue, Jul 14, 2020 at 9:05 AM Henrique Montenegro <typoon(at)gmail(dot)com>

> Alright, so it seems like partitioning and changing the shared_buffers as
> well as adding the order by helped to a certain extent, but the writes are
> still slow. Inserting a 1 million records file is taking almost 3 minutes
> (way better than the 20+ minutes, but still pretty slow compared to the 20
> seconds it used to take).
> The interesting thing for me right now is: If I try to insert the data
> from a file that has already been inserted (meaning all the data will end
> up being rejected due to the unique constraint), it only takes between 1
> and 4 seconds for the insertion to finish executing. For regular files
> (which usually have 30% new unique records (meaning about 300k new
> records)), it is taking those 3 minutes.
> **UPDATE**
> I started writing this email and then it occurred to me something I should
> try. Leaving the information above for historical reasons.
> Basically I went ahead and ran a `reindex` on all the partitions now to
> see if it would improve the performance and seems like that did it! I used
> the following script to reindex all of the partitions (the name of my
> partitions all start with ubp_):
> ```
> DO $$DECLARE r record;
> FOR r IN select indexname from pg_indexes where tablename like 'ubp_%'
> EXECUTE 'reindex index ' || r.indexname;
> END$$;
> ```
> After doing this, processing of each file is taking anything between 8 and
> 20 seconds (most of them seem to be taking 8 seconds though). So, this is
> great!
> In summary, what I ended up having to do was:
> * Raise shared_buffers to 160GB
> * Add an `order by` to the `select` subquery in the `insert` statement
> * Partition the table
> * Tune postgres configurations as shown below:
> ~~~
> ssl = off
> shared_buffers = 160GB
> work_mem = 12GB
> maintenance_work_mem = 12GB
> max_stack_depth = 4MB
> synchronous_commit = off
> wal_writer_flush_after = 128MB
> max_wal_size = 32GB
> min_wal_size = 80MB
> effective_cache_size = 96GB
> ~~~
> I can't tell if the raising of the `shared_buffers` was the reason for the
> performance gains or the adding of the `order by` was the responsible.
> Doesn't hurt to do both anyways. I know for a fact that the `reindex` of
> each partition made a huge difference in the end as explained above
> (bringing insert time down from 3 minutes to 8 seconds).
> I have about 1800 files in my backlog to be processed now (18 billion
> records). I have started processing them and will report back in case
> performance degrades once again.
> Thanks everybody for the help so far! I really appreciate it.
> Henrique
> PS: I checked the `dirty` ratios for the OS:
> $ sysctl vm.dirty_ratio
> vm.dirty_ratio = 20
> $ sysctl vm.dirty_background_ratio
> vm.dirty_background_ratio = 10
> $ sysctl vm.dirty_expire_centisecs
> vm.dirty_expire_centisecs = 3000
> These are default values; if what I understood from them is right, it
> seems to me that these values should be fine.
> On Mon, Jul 13, 2020 at 9:02 PM Henrique Montenegro <typoon(at)gmail(dot)com>
> wrote:
>> On Mon, Jul 13, 2020 at 8:05 PM Jeff Janes <jeff(dot)janes(at)gmail(dot)com> wrote:
>>> On Mon, Jul 13, 2020 at 10:23 AM Henrique Montenegro <typoon(at)gmail(dot)com>
>>> wrote:
>>> insert into users_no_dups (
>>>> created_ts,
>>>> user_id,
>>>> name,
>>>> url
>>>> ) (
>>>> select
>>>> created_ts,
>>>> user_id,
>>>> name,
>>>> url
>>>> from
>>>> users
>>>> ) on conflict do nothing
>>> Once the size of the only index exceeds shared_buffers by a bit (the
>>> amount of "a bit" depends on your RAM, kernel version, settings
>>> for dirty_background_ratio, dirty_expire_centisecs, and probably other
>>> things, and is not easy to predict) the performance falls off a cliff when
>>> inserting values in a random order. Every insert dirties a random index
>>> leaf page, which quickly gets evicted from shared_buffers to make room for
>>> other random leaf pages to be read in, and then turns into flush calls when
>>> the kernel freaks out about the amount and age of dirty pages held in
>>> memory.
>> That is interesting to know. I will do some research on those things.
>>> What happens if you add an "ORDER BY user_id" to your above select?
>> I don't know. I will give it a try right now.
>>>> shared_buffers = 8GB
>>>> RAM: 256GB
>>> Or, crank up shared_buffers by a lot. Like, beyond the size of the
>>> growing index, or up to 240GB if the index ever becomes larger than that.
>>> And make the time between checkpoints longer. If the dirty buffers are
>>> retained in shared_buffers longer, chances of them getting dirtied
>>> repeatedly between writes is much higher than if you just toss them to the
>>> kernel and hope for the best.
>> I cranked it up to 160GB to see how it goes.
>> Cheers,
>>> Jeff
>> I created the partitions as well as mentioned before. I was able to
>> partition the table based on the user_id (found some logic to it). I was
>> transferring the data from the original table (about 280 million records;
>> 320GB) to the new partitioned table and things were going well with write
>> speeds between 30MB/s and 50MB/s. After reading 270GB of the 320GB (in 4
>> and a half hours) and writing it to the new partitioned table, write speed
>> went down to 7KB/s. It is so frustrating.
>> I will keep the partitions and try your suggestions to see how it goes.
>> I apologize for the long time between replies, it is just that testing
>> this stuff takes 4+ hours each run.
>> If there are any other suggestions of things for me to look meanwhile as
>> well, please keep them coming.
>> Thanks!
>> Henrique
Hello again list,

Turns out that the good performance didn't last long. After processing about
300 CSV files with 1 million records each (inserting between 200k and 300k
records per file into the DB), performance went downhill again :(

Table `users_basic_profile_no_dups_partitioned` stats:
- 1530 partitions (based on user_id)
- 473,316,776 rows
- Unlogged
- Stored in an 8TB 7200 RPM HDD

Table `users_basic_profile` stats:
- Unlogged
- 1 million rows
- Stored in memory (using tmpfs)

Configuration file has the following custom configurations for the tests
executed below:

ssl = off
shared_buffers = 160GB # min 128kB
work_mem = 96GB # min 64kB
maintenance_work_mem = 12GB # min 1MB
max_stack_depth = 4MB # min 100kB
dynamic_shared_memory_type = posix # the default is the first option
synchronous_commit = off # synchronization level;
commit_delay = 100000 # range 0-100000, in microseconds
max_wal_size = 3GB
min_wal_size = 1GB
min_parallel_index_scan_size = 64kB
effective_cache_size = 96GB
log_min_messages = debug1 # values in order of decreasing detail:
log_checkpoints = on
log_error_verbosity = verbose # terse, default, or verbose messages
log_line_prefix = '%m [%p] %q%u(at)%d ' # special values:
log_lock_waits = on # log lock waits >= deadlock_timeout
log_timezone = 'America/New_York'
log_executor_stats = on
datestyle = 'iso, mdy'

(max_wal_size was 80GB before and min_wal_size was 80MB; I changed the max
because the first restart I did to the service took a long time since it had
to sync 80+GB of data to the disk)

I restarted the postgres service and ran this query:

select user_id from users_basic_profile_no_dups_partitioned
user_id in (
select user_id from users_basic_profile order by user_id

The above query took 659 seconds to run and read 73.64 GB of data from the
disk. From observing the `top` output I assume that all this data was loaded
into RAM and kept there.

I then ran the same query again and it ran in 195 seconds. This second time,
no data was read from the disk and CPU usage stayed at 100% the whole time.
I am not sure why it took so long since it seems the whole data was in

I then ran the following query 6 times while increasing the limit as shown
the table below:

select user_id from users_basic_profile_no_dups_partitioned
user_id in (
select user_id from users_basic_profile order by user_id
limit 10

Limit | Time (seconds)
10 | 0.6
100 | 0.6
1000 | 1.3
10000 | 116.9
100000 | 134.8
1000000 | 193.2

Notice the jump in time execution from a 1k limit to a 10k limit. Amount of
data raised 10x and execution time raised 100x.

It seems to me that inserting the data in this case is slow because the time
it takes to identify the duplicate records (which I assume would be done in
fashion similiar to the queries above) is taking a long time.

I have attached the `explain analyze` output for the 1k and 10k queries to
this email (they are 4k+ lines each, didn't want to make this messager
than it already is).

* exp1k.txt
* exp10k.txt

One thing to keep in mind is: all the data in the `users_basic_profile`
already exists in the `users_basic_profile_no_dups_partitioned` table. So
if I
try to insert the data now again, it goes SUPER fast:


insert into users_basic_profile_no_dups_partitioned(
) (
order by
user_id limit 10000
) on conflict do nothing;
Time: 276.905 ms

I droped the `users_basic_profile` table, recreated it and then and loaded a
new file into it that has not been previously loaded:

drop table users_basic_profile;

create unlogged table users_basic_profile (
created_ts timestamp without time zone default current_timestamp,
user_id bigint,
name text,
profile_picture text
with (autovacuum_enabled = false, toast.autovacuum_enabled = false)
tablespace ramdisk;

copy users_basic_profile(user_id, name, profile_picture)
from '/tmp/myfile.csv' with (
format csv,
header true,
delimiter ',',
quote '"',
escape '\'

The `COPY` command took 3 seconds.

I then ran the `SELECT` queries above again:

Limit | Time (seconds)
10 | 0.7
100 | 0.6
1000 | 1
10000 | 5.3
100000 | 68.8
1000000 | Did not complete

The 1 million query ran for 54 minutes when I finally decided to cancel it.
Disk reads at this point were at 1.4MB per second by the process performing
the `SELECT`. No other process was using the disk.

This execution was not fair, since the new data was probably not cached in
yet. So I re-ran all the queries again:

Limit | Time (seconds)
10 | 0.7
100 | 0.7
1000 | 0.8
10000 | 1.9
100000 | 11.2
1000000 | Did not complete

The 1 million query didn't complete again. The disk read speed was again at
1.4MB/s and if it didn't complete in 10 minutes it wasn't gonna complete any
time soon.

While these numbers look better, I find the 5x increase from the 10k to
100k a bit suspicious.

The `explain analyze` plans for the 1k, 10k and 100k queries are attached:

* exp1k-secondtime.txt
* exp10k-secondtime.txt
* exp100k-secondtime.txt

The `explain` for the 1million query is also attached:
* exp1million.txt

I then tried to insert the data into the table with this query:

explain analyze insert into
) (
order by
) on conflict do nothing;

Disk read speed during this query was around 9MB/s with writes around

The result of the explain analyze is as follows:


Insert on users_basic_profile_no_dups_partitioned
(cost=386110.19..423009.25 rows=2951925 width=80) (actual
time=156773.296..156773.296 rows=0 loops=1)
Conflict Resolution: NOTHING
Tuples Inserted: 293182
Conflicting Tuples: 706818
-> Sort (cost=386110.19..393490.00 rows=2951925 width=80) (actual
time=777.295..1423.577 rows=1000000 loops=1)
Sort Key: users_basic_profile.user_id
Sort Method: quicksort Memory: 540206kB
-> Seq Scan on users_basic_profile (cost=0.00..68878.25
rows=2951925 width=80) (actual time=0.019..173.278 rows=1000000 loops=1)
Planning Time: 0.139 ms
Execution Time: 156820.603 ms
(10 rows)

This query took 156 seconds to complete. 156 seconds is not too bad, but I
getting between 8 seconds and 20 seconds this morning as I mentioned before.
So still something seems off. I was able to process 300 files this morning,
each one containing 1 million records inserting anything between 200k and
new records into the table per file. This means that while runing these
I have about 70 million more rows in the table than I did this morning.

After completing the `INSERT` I executed a `COMMIT` that took 0.03 seconds.

I decided to run the `SELECT` queries one last time:

Limit | Time (seconds)
10 | 0.6
100 | 0.6
1000 | 0.7
10000 | 1.6
100000 | 10.7
1000000 | 110.7

This time the 1 million query completed. Most likely due to some caching
mechanism I'd guess. Still 110 seconds seems somewhat slow.

So, does anyone have any suggestions on what could be wrong? The questions
that come to mind are:

* Why are these execution times so crazy?
* Why is the read speed from the disk so low?
* What is causing the sudden drop in performance?
* Any idea how to fix any of this?
* Any suggestions on what I should do/test/look for?

= Extra Information =

Before starting all these tests, I had executed the following
`REINDEX` command on all partitions of

DO $$DECLARE r record;
FOR r IN select indexname from pg_indexes where tablename like 'ubp_%'
raise notice 'Processing index [%]', r.indexname;
EXECUTE 'alter index ' || r.indexname || ' set (fillfactor=50)';
EXECUTE 'reindex index ' || r.indexname;

Before setting the `fillfactor` to 50, I tried just a regular `REINDEX`
keeping the original `fillfactor` but the results were still the same.

Structure of table `users_basic_profile_no_dups_partitioned`:


# \d users_basic_profile_no_dups_partitioned

Unlogged table "public.users_basic_profile_no_dups_partitioned"
Column | Type | Collation | Nullable |
created_ts | timestamp without time zone | | not null |
user_id | bigint | | not null |
name | text | | |
profile_picture | text | | |
Partition key: RANGE (user_id)
"users_basic_profile_no_dups_partitioned_pkey" PRIMARY KEY, btree
Number of partitions: 1530 (Use \d+ to list them.)

The `profile_picture` column stores a `URL` to the picture, not a blob of

Attachment Content-Type Size
exp10k.txt text/plain 227.6 KB
exp1k-secondtime.txt text/plain 415.8 KB
exp1million-secondtime.txt text/plain 343.4 KB
exp10k-secondtime.txt text/plain 415.9 KB
exp1k.txt text/plain 415.8 KB
exp100k-secondtime.txt text/plain 416.2 KB

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