From: | Steve Chavez <steve(at)supabase(dot)io> |
To: | Tom Lane <tgl(at)sss(dot)pgh(dot)pa(dot)us> |
Cc: | "David G(dot) Johnston" <david(dot)g(dot)johnston(at)gmail(dot)com>, Aleksander Alekseev <aleksander(at)timescale(dot)com>, PostgreSQL-development <pgsql-hackers(at)postgresql(dot)org> |
Subject: | Re: Allow database owners to CREATE EVENT TRIGGER |
Date: | 2025-03-08 05:03:49 |
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Hi Tom,
> Well, no. That still allows the database owner to commandeer any
> non-superuser role. Even if we tightened "nosuperuser" to mean
> "not superuser and not any built-in role", I don't think it will fly.
Why would the predefined roles be taken into consideration here? The docs
on say:
" pg_read_server_files, pg_write_server_files and
" ..they could be used to gain superuser-level access, therefore great care
should be taken when granting these roles to users."
If a dbowner event trigger does `GRANT pg_read_server_files TO
current_user;` inside it will fail with `ERROR: permission denied to grant
role "pg_read_server_files"`.
The only way for that to succeed is for a superuser to explicitly grant
access to `pg_read_server_files` before, and that would have to be a
conscious operation.
I would appreciate any clarification here.
> maybe say that an event trigger fires for queries that are run by a role
- that the trigger's owning role is a member of?
The role membership approach would work but it seems insufficient. For
example consider `pgaudit` which installs event triggers and requires
Let's assume `pgaudit` would try to adopt this new feature. Then it would
need to provide some special role like `pgaudit_admin`, create the event
triggers under this role,
and users of this extension would have to manually grant membership to
`pgaudit_admin` for the audit event triggers to fire.
That is a problem because that's easy to forget when creating new roles and
the audit event triggers won't be "enforced".
So in that case I guess `pgaudit` developers would keep requiring superuser
and not bother to adopt this new feature.
From a PoLP perspective it would be a desirable side-effect of this feature
to stop requiring superuser for certain extensions too.
Best regards,
Steve Chavez
On Fri, 7 Mar 2025 at 15:19, Tom Lane <tgl(at)sss(dot)pgh(dot)pa(dot)us> wrote:
> Steve Chavez <steve(at)supabase(dot)io> writes:
> > This is why I thought the database owner is the right role to allow
> evtrig
> > creation since it won't need an explicit list of roles.
> > How about requiring explicit non-superuser execution for the database
> owner
> > evtrig? It would be like:
> Well, no. That still allows the database owner to commandeer any
> non-superuser role. Even if we tightened "nosuperuser" to mean
> "not superuser and not any built-in role", I don't think it will fly.
> Here is the real problem: database owners are not specially
> privileged in Postgres. Yeah, they can drop their DB, but they
> don't have automatic permissions to mess with other people's
> objects inside the DB. (Much the same can be said of schema
> owners.) So any proposal that effectively gives DB owners
> such privileges is going to fail. I realize that some other
> DBMSes assign more privileges to schema or DB owners, but we
> don't and I don't think we're open to changing that.
> I think you need to be thinking of this in terms of "what sort
> of feature can we add that can be allowed to any SQL user?"
> The notion I proposed earlier that an event trigger only fires
> on queries executed by roles the trigger's owner belongs to
> is (AFAICS) safe to allow to anyone. If that's not good enough
> for your notion of what a DB owner should be able to do, the
> answer is to grant the DB owner membership in every role that
> uses her database. That's effectively what the feature you're
> suggesting would do anyway.
> regards, tom lane
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