Next commitfest app release is planned for March 18th

From: Jelte Fennema-Nio <me(at)jeltef(dot)nl>
To: PostgreSQL Hackers <pgsql-hackers(at)lists(dot)postgresql(dot)org>, Peter Geoghegan <pg(at)bowt(dot)ie>, Maciek Sakrejda <m(dot)sakrejda(at)gmail(dot)com>, Jacob Brazeal <jacob(dot)brazeal(at)gmail(dot)com>
Subject: Next commitfest app release is planned for March 18th
Date: 2025-03-04 01:21:18
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Lists: pgsql-hackers

The next commitfest app release is planned for March 18th and will
contain the following changes:

1. Major change: The homepage is revamped completely! It now shows a
dashboard of open patches where you are author/reviewer/committer if
you are logged in. These patches are ordered & grouped in a hopefully
useful way. If you're not logged in it will show you the current
commitfest. See screenshot for an example. The old list of all
commitfests is moved to the /archive (which has a button on the
homepage). Peter Geoghegan suggested adding a "dashboard" of this
kind. Feedback on this is very welcome, but depending on the
complexity I don't know when I'll get to it. I'll be a bit more busy
the next few weeks and also have some holidays planned.
2. Show name of a committer in the "Committer" column (instead of only
the username).
3. Fix the "Review" form so that all checkboxes can actually be
clicked. Thanks to Maciek.
4. Allow sorting patches by "failing since", this can be done by
clicking the header. This does *not* work on the staging website,
because CFbot is not sending CI updates there currently.
5. Remove "latest activity" column. This did not contain useful information.
6. The "latest email" column now shows "time since" (e.g. 1 week ago)
instead of an exact timestamp. You can still see the exact timestamp
by hovering over the cell.
7. Searching patches by author/reviewer now isn't a dropdown with a
ton of options, but instead has become a dropdown with a search box.
This also greatly improves page load performance: By not putting all
users in the HTML as a dropdown option it's saving 600-700ms in my
testing on staging.
8. Bugfix: Correctly show CI timeout as failure.

One thing I'm wondering about 3 though: Do people actually think these
checkboxes are even useful in the first place? For people not
familiar, they add these lines to an email:
> make installcheck-world: tested, passed
> Implements feature: tested, passed
> Spec compliant: not tested
> Documentation: tested, passed

At least the first one seems not very useful, now that we have the
CFBot. Is the rest useful to anyone or do these buttons just result in

As always, please test out the current staging website[1] to give some feedback.
HTTP auth user and password are both pgtest.

Also I wanted to highlight the work Jacob Brazeal is doing again. He
has been working on an AI-powered summarization and patch review
recommendation engine[2]. I definitely recommend people to take a look
at that and leave some feedback.


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new-commitfest-homepage.png image/png 387.6 KB


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