RHEL 10 Beta packages for arm64

From: Philipp Trulson <p(dot)trulson(at)rebuy(dot)com>
To: pgsql-pkg-yum(at)postgresql(dot)org
Subject: RHEL 10 Beta packages for arm64
Date: 2025-03-04 10:59:12
Message-ID: CAG15Ba7nfnSfZXOcE5hQYw0XcQ=atJ39c-7WxM5xM1ZhHcNyqA@mail.gmail.com
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Hey everyone,

first of all thank you very much for your great work! You make life so much
easier for sysadmins around the world, so please keep going.

I have a small request though: You are providing packages for the RHEL 10
beta which is great since we are already evaluating our systems with it.
However we have a lot of arm64 machines (Apple Silicon devices with Linux
VMs, AWS Graviton hosts) which are missing packages atm. Are you waiting
with that until RHEL 10 is out or could you also provide arm64 packages
before the release?

Thanks in advance,

Philipp Trulson

Platform Engineer
mail: p(dot)trulson(at)rebuy(dot)com · web: www.rebuy.de


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