Re: Proposal: Progressive explain

From: Rafael Thofehrn Castro <rafaelthca(at)gmail(dot)com>
To: Robert Haas <robertmhaas(at)gmail(dot)com>
Cc: pgsql-hackers <pgsql-hackers(at)postgresql(dot)org>
Subject: Re: Proposal: Progressive explain
Date: 2025-03-19 22:53:05
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Hi Robert,

Thanks for sparing part of your precious time to look at the patch.
I acknowledge it is a very complex one. Since you're going to take
another look, providing some preliminary comments related to some
of the implementation concerns.

> I don't understand how this would be safe against interrupts or
> errors. If a running query is interrupted, what would cause
> ProgressiveExplainCleanup() to be called? If the answer is "nothing,"
> why isn't that unsafe?

The strategy I used here is to use a MemoryContextCallback
(ProgressiveExplainReleaseFunc), configured in the memory context
where the query is being executed, being responsible for calling
ProgressiveExplainCleanup() if the query doesn't end gracefully.

> It looks very strange to me that ProgressiveExplainPrint() seems to
> have a theoretical possibility of generating the output and then
> throwing it away if we end up with entry == NULL. I guess maybe that
> case is not supposed to happen because ProgressiveExplainInit() is
> supposed to create the entry, but then why isn't this an elog(ERROR)
> or something instead of a no-op?

Agreed. Will fix this.

> It seems like when we replace a longer entry with a shorter one, we
> forget that it was originally longer. Hence, if the length of a
> progressive EXPLAIN is alternately 2922 characters and 2923
> characters, we'll reallocate on every other progressive EXPLAIN
> instead of at most once.

Are you talking about re-printing the plan in the same query execution?
The logic for the code, using your example, would be to allocate 2922 +
PROGRESSIVE_EXPLAIN_FREE_SIZE (4096, currently) initially. If next plans
alternate between 2922 and 2923 no additional allocation will be done.
A reallocation will be needed only if the plan length ends up exceeding
2922+4096. At the end of query execution (or cancellation) that DSA will
be freed and a next query execution will have to allocate again using the
same logic.

Regarding the execProcNode wrapper strategy. It used it precisely because
of the discussion in that other patch. I actually tried not using it here,
and call ProgressiveExplainPrint() in the timeout callback. This resulted
in sporadic crashes, confirming the suspicion that it is not a good

Regarding all other comments related to variable/function names and having
the feature in a separate file, agree with all the comments. Will send a
new version with the fixes.


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