Re: ZStandard (with dictionaries) compression support for TOAST compression

From: Nikhil Kumar Veldanda <veldanda(dot)nikhilkumar17(at)gmail(dot)com>
To: Robert Haas <robertmhaas(at)gmail(dot)com>, Tom Lane <tgl(at)sss(dot)pgh(dot)pa(dot)us>, Aleksander Alekseev <aleksander(at)timescale(dot)com>
Cc: pgsql-hackers(at)postgresql(dot)org
Subject: Re: ZStandard (with dictionaries) compression support for TOAST compression
Date: 2025-03-08 16:28:17
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Lists: pgsql-hackers

Hi all,

Attached an updated version of the patch. Specifically, I've removed
changes related to the TOAST pointer structure. This proposal is
different from earlier discussions on this topic[1], where extending
the TOAST pointer was considered essential for enabling
dictionary-based compression.

Key improvements introduced in this proposal:

1. No Changes to TOAST Pointer: The existing TOAST pointer structure
remains untouched, simplifying integration and minimizing potential

2. Extensible Design: The solution is structured to seamlessly
incorporate future compression algorithms beyond zstd [2], providing
greater flexibility and future-proofing.

3. Inline Data Compression with Dictionary Support: Crucially, this
approach supports dictionary-based compression for inline data.
Dictionaries are highly effective for compressing small-sized
documents, providing substantial storage savings. Please refer to the
attached image from the zstd README[2] for supporting evidence.
Omitting dictionary-based compression for inline data would
significantly reduce these benefits. For example, under previous
design constraints [3], if a 16KB document compressed down to 256
bytes using a dictionary, storing this inline would not have been
feasible. The current proposal addresses this limitation, thereby
fully leveraging dictionary-based compression.

I believe this solution effectively addresses the limitations
identified in our earlier discussions [1][3].

Feedback on this approach would be greatly appreciated, I welcome any
feedback or suggestions you might have.


typedef union
struct /* Normal varlena (4-byte length) */
uint32 va_header;
} va_4byte;
struct /* Compressed-in-line format */
uint32 va_header;
uint32 va_tcinfo; /* Original data size (excludes header) and
* compression method; see va_extinfo */
char va_data[FLEXIBLE_ARRAY_MEMBER]; /* Compressed data */
} va_compressed;
uint32 va_header;
uint32 va_tcinfo;
uint32 va_cmp_alg;
uint32 va_cmp_dictid;
} va_compressed_ext;
} varattrib_4b;
Additional algorithm information and dictid is stored in varattrib_4b.

Best regards,
Nikhil Veldanda

On Fri, Mar 7, 2025 at 5:35 PM Nikhil Kumar Veldanda
<veldanda(dot)nikhilkumar17(at)gmail(dot)com> wrote:
> Hi,
> I reviewed the discussions, and while most agreements focused on
> changes to the toast pointer, the design I propose requires no
> modifications to it. I’ve carefully considered the design choices made
> previously, and I recognize Zstd’s clear advantages in compression
> efficiency and performance over algorithms like PGLZ and LZ4, we can
> integrate it without altering the existing toast pointer
> (varatt_external) structure.
> By simply using the top two bits of the va_extinfo field (setting them
> to '11') in `varatt_external`, we can signal an alternative
> compression algorithm, clearly distinguishing new methods from legacy
> ones. The specific algorithm used would then be recorded in the
> va_cmp_alg field.
> This approach addresses the issues raised in the summarized thread[1]
> and to leverage dictionaries for the data that can stay in-line. While
> my initial patch includes modifications to toast_pointer due to a
> single dependency on (pg_column_compression), those changes aren’t
> strictly necessary; resolving that dependency separately would make
> the overall design even less intrusive.
> Here’s an illustrative structure:
> ```
> typedef union
> {
> struct /* Normal varlena (4-byte length) */
> {
> uint32 va_header;
> char va_data[FLEXIBLE_ARRAY_MEMBER];
> } va_4byte;
> struct /* Current Compressed format */
> {
> uint32 va_header;
> uint32 va_tcinfo; /* Original size and compression method */
> char va_data[FLEXIBLE_ARRAY_MEMBER]; /* Compressed data */
> } va_compressed;
> struct /* Extended compression format */
> {
> uint32 va_header;
> uint32 va_tcinfo;
> uint32 va_cmp_alg;
> uint32 va_cmp_dictid;
> char va_data[FLEXIBLE_ARRAY_MEMBER];
> } va_compressed_ext;
> } varattrib_4b;
> typedef struct varatt_external
> {
> int32 va_rawsize; /* Original data size (includes header) */
> uint32 va_extinfo; /* External saved size (without header) and
> * compression method */ `11` indicates new compression methods.
> Oid va_valueid; /* Unique ID of value within TOAST table */
> Oid va_toastrelid; /* RelID of TOAST table containing it */
> } varatt_external;
> ```
> Decompression flow remains straightforward: once a datum is identified
> as external, we detoast it, then we identify the compression algorithm
> using `
> TOAST_COMPRESS_METHOD` macro which refers to a varattrib_4b structure
> not a toast pointer. We retrieve the compression algorithm from either
> va_tcinfo or va_cmp_alg based on adjusted macros, and decompress
> accordingly.
> In summary, integrating Zstandard into the TOAST framework in this
> minimally invasive way should yield substantial benefits.
> [1]
> Best regards,
> Nikhil Veldanda
> On Fri, Mar 7, 2025 at 3:42 AM Aleksander Alekseev
> <aleksander(at)timescale(dot)com> wrote:
> >
> > Hi Nikhil,
> >
> > > Thank you for highlighting the previous discussion—I reviewed [1]
> > > closely. While both methods involve dictionary-based compression, the
> > > approach I'm proposing differs significantly.
> > >
> > > The previous method explicitly extracted string values from JSONB and
> > > assigned unique OIDs to each entry, resulting in distinct dictionary
> > > entries for every unique value. In contrast, this approach directly
> > > leverages Zstandard's dictionary training API. We provide raw data
> > > samples to Zstd, which generates a dictionary of a specified size.
> > > This dictionary is then stored in a catalog table and used to compress
> > > subsequent inserts for the specific attribute it was trained on.
> > >
> > > [...]
> >
> > You didn't read closely enough I'm afraid. As Tom pointed out, the
> > title of the thread is misleading. On top of that there are several
> > separate threads. I did my best to cross-reference them, but
> > apparently didn't do good enough.
> >
> > Initially I proposed to add ZSON extension [1][2] to the PostgreSQL
> > core. However the idea evolved into TOAST improvements that don't
> > require a user to use special types. You may also find interesting the
> > related "Pluggable TOASTer" discussion [3]. The idea there was rather
> > different but the discussion about extending TOAST pointers so that in
> > the future we can use something else than ZSTD is relevant.
> >
> > You will find the recent summary of the reached agreements somewhere
> > around this message [4], take a look at the thread a bit above and
> > below it.
> >
> > I believe this effort is important. You can't, however, simply discard
> > everything that was discussed in this area for the past several years.
> > If you want to succeed of course. No one will look at your patch if it
> > doesn't account for all the previous discussions. I'm sorry, I know
> > it's disappointing. This being said you should have done better
> > research before submitting the code. You could just ask if anyone was
> > working on something like this before and save a lot of time.
> >
> > Personally I would suggest starting with one little step toward
> > compression dictionaries. Particularly focusing on extendability of
> > TOAST pointers. You are going to need to store dictionary ids there
> > and allow using other compression algorithms in the future. This will
> > require something like a varint/utf8-like bitmask for this. See the
> > previous discussions.
> >
> > [1]:
> > [2]:
> > [3]:
> > [4]:
> >
> > --
> > Best regards,
> > Aleksander Alekseev

Attachment Content-Type Size
v2-0001-Add-ZStandard-with-dictionaries-compression-suppo.patch application/octet-stream 103.6 KB
image.png image/png 248.3 KB

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