Bug in psql

From: Chris BSomething <xpusostomos(at)gmail(dot)com>
To: PostgreSQL Bug List <pgsql-bugs(at)lists(dot)postgresql(dot)org>
Subject: Bug in psql
Date: 2025-01-29 22:56:08
Message-ID: CADrHaBEVSYwemoJWtry2+82KHy9tZirH2PVfi-uD96R5J8FCsw@mail.gmail.com
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Lists: pgsql-bugs

In psql 17.2, if I do \? it says...

\dE[S+] [PATTERN] list foreign tables
\des[+] [PATTERN] list foreign servers
\det[+] [PATTERN] list foreign tables

notice the duplicate.

If I do \dES+, it is titled "list of relations"... whatever that means. It
seems to be another list of foreign tables but with a different format.
None of the other options have the same name in the help text, but
different output. I'm not sure what the aim was here.

I also kind of feel like the name in the help text should always be the
name you actually get. So for example, \ddS is described in help as "show
object descriptions not displayed elsewhere" (BTW, why is this one "show"
and the others are "list"), whereas the output is merely "object

Most things in help are described as "list of... " and are titled on output
"List of... " but it's not consistent. e.g. \dl is in help "list large
objects", but on output is merely "large objects",

Some are just wildly different, like \dp has help of "list table, view and
sequence access privileges" but on output is just "access privileges" (and
no "list of" again). And if I do \di "list indexes" the output is titled
"List of relations". \dL is "list procedural languages" but on output is
"list of languages". \dv in help is "list views" but on output is "List of



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