Error : /usr/local/share/lua/5.1/pgmoon/init.lua:211: don’t know how to auth: 10

From: Kaushal Shriyan <kaushalshriyan(at)gmail(dot)com>
To: Postgres General <pgsql-general(at)postgresql(dot)org>
Subject: Error : /usr/local/share/lua/5.1/pgmoon/init.lua:211: don’t know how to auth: 10
Date: 2021-12-13 17:22:26
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Lists: pgsql-general


I am running CentOS Stream release 8 with kong-2.6.0-1.x86_64 with the
below PostgreSQL database versions.


#kong migrations bootstrap -c /etc/kong/kong.conf --vv
> 2021/12/13 10:44:57 [verbose] Kong: 2.6.0
> 2021/12/13 10:44:57 [debug] ngx_lua: 10020
> 2021/12/13 10:44:57 [debug] nginx: 1019009
> 2021/12/13 10:44:57 [debug] Lua: LuaJIT 2.1.0-beta3
> 2021/12/13 10:44:57 [verbose] reading config file at /etc/kong/kong.conf
> 2021/12/13 10:44:57 [debug] reading environment variables
> 2021/12/13 10:44:57 [debug] admin_access_log = "logs/admin_access.log"
> 2021/12/13 10:44:57 [debug] admin_error_log = "logs/error.log"
> 2021/12/13 10:44:57 [debug] admin_listen = {" reuseport
> backlog=16384"," http2 ssl reuseport backlog=16384"}
> 2021/12/13 10:44:57 [debug] admin_ssl_cert = {}
> 2021/12/13 10:44:57 [debug] admin_ssl_cert_key = {}
> 2021/12/13 10:44:57 [debug] anonymous_reports = true
> 2021/12/13 10:44:57 [debug] cassandra_contact_points = {""}
> 2021/12/13 10:44:57 [debug] cassandra_data_centers = {"dc1:2","dc2:3"}
> 2021/12/13 10:44:57 [debug] cassandra_keyspace = "kong"
> 2021/12/13 10:44:57 [debug] cassandra_lb_policy = "RequestRoundRobin"
> 2021/12/13 10:44:57 [debug] cassandra_port = 9042
> 2021/12/13 10:44:57 [debug] cassandra_read_consistency = "ONE"
> 2021/12/13 10:44:57 [debug] cassandra_refresh_frequency = 60
> 2021/12/13 10:44:57 [debug] cassandra_repl_factor = 1
> 2021/12/13 10:44:57 [debug] cassandra_repl_strategy = "SimpleStrategy"
> 2021/12/13 10:44:57 [debug] cassandra_schema_consensus_timeout = 10000
> 2021/12/13 10:44:57 [debug] cassandra_ssl = false
> 2021/12/13 10:44:57 [debug] cassandra_ssl_verify = false
> 2021/12/13 10:44:57 [debug] cassandra_timeout = 5000
> 2021/12/13 10:44:57 [debug] cassandra_username = "kong"
> 2021/12/13 10:44:57 [debug] cassandra_write_consistency = "ONE"
> 2021/12/13 10:44:57 [debug] client_body_buffer_size = "8k"
> 2021/12/13 10:44:57 [debug] client_max_body_size = "0"
> 2021/12/13 10:44:57 [debug] client_ssl = false
> 2021/12/13 10:44:57 [debug] cluster_control_plane = ""
> 2021/12/13 10:44:57 [debug] cluster_data_plane_purge_delay = 1209600
> 2021/12/13 10:44:57 [debug] cluster_listen = {""}
> 2021/12/13 10:44:57 [debug] cluster_mtls = "shared"
> 2021/12/13 10:44:57 [debug] cluster_ocsp = "off"
> 2021/12/13 10:44:57 [debug] cluster_v2 = false
> 2021/12/13 10:44:57 [debug] database = "postgres"
> 2021/12/13 10:44:57 [debug] db_cache_ttl = 0
> 2021/12/13 10:44:57 [debug] db_cache_warmup_entities = {"services"}
> 2021/12/13 10:44:57 [debug] db_resurrect_ttl = 30
> 2021/12/13 10:44:57 [debug] db_update_frequency = 5
> 2021/12/13 10:44:57 [debug] db_update_propagation = 0
> 2021/12/13 10:44:57 [debug] dns_error_ttl = 1
> 2021/12/13 10:44:57 [debug] dns_hostsfile = "/etc/hosts"
> 2021/12/13 10:44:57 [debug] dns_no_sync = false
> 2021/12/13 10:44:57 [debug] dns_not_found_ttl = 30
> 2021/12/13 10:44:57 [debug] dns_order = {"LAST","SRV","A","CNAME"}
> 2021/12/13 10:44:57 [debug] dns_resolver = {}
> 2021/12/13 10:44:57 [debug] dns_stale_ttl = 4
> 2021/12/13 10:44:57 [debug] error_default_type = "text/plain"
> 2021/12/13 10:44:57 [debug] go_plugins_dir = "off"
> 2021/12/13 10:44:57 [debug] go_pluginserver_exe =
> "/usr/local/bin/go-pluginserver"
> 2021/12/13 10:44:57 [debug] headers = {"server_tokens","latency_tokens"}
> 2021/12/13 10:44:57 [debug] host_ports = {}
> 2021/12/13 10:44:57 [debug] kic = false
> 2021/12/13 10:44:57 [debug] log_level = "notice"
> 2021/12/13 10:44:57 [debug] lua_package_cpath = ""
> 2021/12/13 10:44:57 [debug] lua_package_path = "./?.lua;./?/init.lua;"
> 2021/12/13 10:44:57 [debug] lua_socket_pool_size = 30
> 2021/12/13 10:44:57 [debug] lua_ssl_protocols = "TLSv1.1 TLSv1.2 TLSv1.3"
> 2021/12/13 10:44:57 [debug] lua_ssl_trusted_certificate = {}
> 2021/12/13 10:44:57 [debug] lua_ssl_verify_depth = 1
> 2021/12/13 10:44:57 [debug] mem_cache_size = "128m"
> 2021/12/13 10:44:57 [debug] nginx_admin_client_body_buffer_size = "10m"
> 2021/12/13 10:44:57 [debug] nginx_admin_client_max_body_size = "10m"
> 2021/12/13 10:44:57 [debug] nginx_admin_directives =
> {{name="client_max_body_size",value="10m"},{name="client_body_buffer_size",value="10m"}}
> 2021/12/13 10:44:57 [debug] nginx_daemon = "on"
> 2021/12/13 10:44:57 [debug] nginx_events_directives =
> {{name="worker_connections",value="auto"},{name="multi_accept",value="on"}}
> 2021/12/13 10:44:57 [debug] nginx_events_multi_accept = "on"
> 2021/12/13 10:44:57 [debug] nginx_events_worker_connections = "auto"
> 2021/12/13 10:44:57 [debug] nginx_http_client_body_buffer_size = "8k"
> 2021/12/13 10:44:57 [debug] nginx_http_client_max_body_size = "0"
> 2021/12/13 10:44:57 [debug] nginx_http_directives =
> {{name="client_max_body_size",value="0"},{name="client_body_buffer_size",value="8k"},{name="ssl_protocols",value="TLSv1.2
> TLSv1.3"},{name="ssl_prefer_server_ciphers",value="off"},{name="ssl_dhparam",value="ffdhe2048"},{name="ssl_session_tickets",value="on"},{name="ssl_session_timeout",value="1d"},{name="lua_ssl_protocols",value="TLSv1.1
> TLSv1.2 TLSv1.3"},{name="lua_regex_match_limit",value="100000"}}
> 2021/12/13 10:44:57 [debug] nginx_http_lua_regex_match_limit = "100000"
> 2021/12/13 10:44:57 [debug] nginx_http_lua_ssl_protocols = "TLSv1.1
> TLSv1.2 TLSv1.3"
> 2021/12/13 10:44:57 [debug] nginx_http_ssl_dhparam = "ffdhe2048"
> 2021/12/13 10:44:57 [debug] nginx_http_ssl_prefer_server_ciphers = "off"
> 2021/12/13 10:44:57 [debug] nginx_http_ssl_protocols = "TLSv1.2 TLSv1.3"
> 2021/12/13 10:44:57 [debug] nginx_http_ssl_session_tickets = "on"
> 2021/12/13 10:44:57 [debug] nginx_http_ssl_session_timeout = "1d"
> 2021/12/13 10:44:57 [debug] nginx_http_status_directives = {}
> 2021/12/13 10:44:57 [debug] nginx_http_upstream_directives = {}
> 2021/12/13 10:44:57 [debug] nginx_main_daemon = "on"
> 2021/12/13 10:44:57 [debug] nginx_main_directives =
> {{name="user",value="kong
> kong"},{name="daemon",value="on"},{name="worker_processes",value="auto"},{name="worker_rlimit_nofile",value="auto"}}
> 2021/12/13 10:44:57 [debug] nginx_main_user = "kong kong"
> 2021/12/13 10:44:57 [debug] nginx_main_worker_processes = "auto"
> 2021/12/13 10:44:57 [debug] nginx_main_worker_rlimit_nofile = "auto"
> 2021/12/13 10:44:57 [debug] nginx_optimizations = true
> 2021/12/13 10:44:57 [debug] nginx_proxy_directives =
> {{name="real_ip_header",value="X-Real-IP"},{name="real_ip_recursive",value="off"}}
> 2021/12/13 10:44:57 [debug] nginx_proxy_real_ip_header = "X-Real-IP"
> 2021/12/13 10:44:57 [debug] nginx_proxy_real_ip_recursive = "off"
> 2021/12/13 10:44:57 [debug] nginx_sproxy_directives = {}
> 2021/12/13 10:44:57 [debug] nginx_status_directives = {}
> 2021/12/13 10:44:57 [debug] nginx_stream_directives =
> {{name="ssl_prefer_server_ciphers",value="off"},{name="ssl_session_tickets",value="on"},{name="ssl_session_timeout",value="1d"},{name="lua_ssl_protocols",value="TLSv1.1
> TLSv1.2 TLSv1.3"},{name="ssl_protocols",value="TLSv1.2
> TLSv1.3"},{name="ssl_dhparam",value="ffdhe2048"}}
> 2021/12/13 10:44:57 [debug] nginx_stream_lua_ssl_protocols = "TLSv1.1
> TLSv1.2 TLSv1.3"
> 2021/12/13 10:44:57 [debug] nginx_stream_ssl_dhparam = "ffdhe2048"
> 2021/12/13 10:44:57 [debug] nginx_stream_ssl_prefer_server_ciphers = "off"
> 2021/12/13 10:44:57 [debug] nginx_stream_ssl_protocols = "TLSv1.2 TLSv1.3"
> 2021/12/13 10:44:57 [debug] nginx_stream_ssl_session_tickets = "on"
> 2021/12/13 10:44:57 [debug] nginx_stream_ssl_session_timeout = "1d"
> 2021/12/13 10:44:57 [debug] nginx_supstream_directives = {}
> 2021/12/13 10:44:57 [debug] nginx_upstream_directives = {}
> 2021/12/13 10:44:57 [debug] nginx_user = "kong kong"
> 2021/12/13 10:44:57 [debug] nginx_worker_processes = "auto"
> 2021/12/13 10:44:57 [debug] pg_database = "kong"
> 2021/12/13 10:44:57 [debug] pg_host = ""
> 2021/12/13 10:44:57 [debug] pg_max_concurrent_queries = 0
> 2021/12/13 10:44:57 [debug] pg_password = "******"
> 2021/12/13 10:44:57 [debug] pg_port = 5432
> 2021/12/13 10:44:57 [debug] pg_ro_ssl = false
> 2021/12/13 10:44:57 [debug] pg_ro_ssl_verify = false
> 2021/12/13 10:44:57 [debug] pg_semaphore_timeout = 60000
> 2021/12/13 10:44:57 [debug] pg_ssl = false
> 2021/12/13 10:44:57 [debug] pg_ssl_verify = false
> 2021/12/13 10:44:57 [debug] pg_timeout = 5000
> 2021/12/13 10:44:57 [debug] pg_user = "kong"
> 2021/12/13 10:44:57 [debug] plugins = {"bundled"}
> 2021/12/13 10:44:57 [debug] pluginserver_names = {}
> 2021/12/13 10:44:57 [debug] port_maps = {}
> 2021/12/13 10:44:57 [debug] prefix = "/usr/local/kong/"
> 2021/12/13 10:44:57 [debug] proxy_access_log = "logs/access.log"
> 2021/12/13 10:44:57 [debug] proxy_error_log = "logs/error.log"
> 2021/12/13 10:44:57 [debug] proxy_listen = {" reuseport
> backlog=16384"," http2 ssl reuseport backlog=16384"}
> 2021/12/13 10:44:57 [debug] proxy_stream_access_log = "logs/access.log
> basic"
> 2021/12/13 10:44:57 [debug] proxy_stream_error_log = "logs/error.log"
> 2021/12/13 10:44:57 [debug] real_ip_header = "X-Real-IP"
> 2021/12/13 10:44:57 [debug] real_ip_recursive = "off"
> 2021/12/13 10:44:57 [debug] role = "traditional"
> 2021/12/13 10:44:57 [debug] ssl_cert = {}
> 2021/12/13 10:44:57 [debug] ssl_cert_key = {}
> 2021/12/13 10:44:57 [debug] ssl_cipher_suite = "intermediate"
> 2021/12/13 10:44:57 [debug] ssl_ciphers =
> 2021/12/13 10:44:57 [debug] ssl_dhparam = "ffdhe2048"
> 2021/12/13 10:44:57 [debug] ssl_prefer_server_ciphers = "on"
> 2021/12/13 10:44:57 [debug] ssl_protocols = "TLSv1.1 TLSv1.2 TLSv1.3"
> 2021/12/13 10:44:57 [debug] ssl_session_tickets = "on"
> 2021/12/13 10:44:57 [debug] ssl_session_timeout = "1d"
> 2021/12/13 10:44:57 [debug] status_access_log = "off"
> 2021/12/13 10:44:57 [debug] status_error_log = "logs/status_error.log"
> 2021/12/13 10:44:57 [debug] status_listen = {"off"}
> 2021/12/13 10:44:57 [debug] status_ssl_cert = {}
> 2021/12/13 10:44:57 [debug] status_ssl_cert_key = {}
> 2021/12/13 10:44:57 [debug] stream_listen = {"off"}
> 2021/12/13 10:44:57 [debug] trusted_ips = {}
> 2021/12/13 10:44:57 [debug] untrusted_lua = "sandbox"
> 2021/12/13 10:44:57 [debug] untrusted_lua_sandbox_environment = {}
> 2021/12/13 10:44:57 [debug] untrusted_lua_sandbox_requires = {}
> 2021/12/13 10:44:57 [debug] upstream_keepalive_idle_timeout = 60
> 2021/12/13 10:44:57 [debug] upstream_keepalive_max_requests = 100
> 2021/12/13 10:44:57 [debug] upstream_keepalive_pool_size = 60
> 2021/12/13 10:44:57 [debug] worker_consistency = "strict"
> 2021/12/13 10:44:57 [debug] worker_state_update_frequency = 5
> 2021/12/13 10:44:57 [verbose] prefix in use: /usr/local/kong
> 2021/12/13 10:44:57 [verbose] preparing nginx prefix directory at
> /usr/local/kong
> 2021/12/13 10:44:57 [verbose] SSL enabled on
> 2021/12/13 10:44:57 [verbose] proxy SSL certificate found at
> /usr/local/kong/ssl/kong-default.crt
> 2021/12/13 10:44:57 [verbose] proxy SSL certificate found at
> /usr/local/kong/ssl/kong-default-ecdsa.crt
> 2021/12/13 10:44:57 [verbose] SSL enabled on
> 2021/12/13 10:44:57 [verbose] admin SSL certificate found at
> /usr/local/kong/ssl/admin-kong-default.crt
> 2021/12/13 10:44:57 [verbose] admin SSL certificate found at
> /usr/local/kong/ssl/admin-kong-default-ecdsa.crt
> Error:
> /usr/local/share/lua/5.1/pgmoon/init.lua:211: don't know how to auth: 10
> stack traceback:
> [C]: in function 'auth'
> /usr/local/share/lua/5.1/pgmoon/init.lua:211: in function 'connect'
> .../share/lua/5.1/kong/db/strategies/postgres/connector.lua:218: in
> function 'connect'
> .../share/lua/5.1/kong/db/strategies/postgres/connector.lua:518: in
> function 'query'
> .../share/lua/5.1/kong/db/strategies/postgres/connector.lua:286: in
> function 'init'
> /usr/local/share/lua/5.1/kong/db/init.lua:141: in function 'init_connector'
> /usr/local/share/lua/5.1/kong/cmd/migrations.lua:102: in function
> 'cmd_exec'
> /usr/local/share/lua/5.1/kong/cmd/init.lua:88: in function
> </usr/local/share/lua/5.1/kong/cmd/init.lua:88>
> [C]: in function 'xpcall'
> /usr/local/share/lua/5.1/kong/cmd/init.lua:88: in function
> </usr/local/share/lua/5.1/kong/cmd/init.lua:45>
> /usr/local/bin/kong:9: in function 'file_gen'
> init_worker_by_lua:50: in function <init_worker_by_lua:48>
> [C]: in function 'xpcall'
> init_worker_by_lua:57: in function <init_worker_by_lua:55>

Please guide. Thanks in Advance.

Best Regards,



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Next Message Tom Lane 2021-12-13 17:29:16 Re: Error : /usr/local/share/lua/5.1/pgmoon/init.lua:211: don’t know how to auth: 10
Previous Message Godfrin, Philippe E 2021-12-13 16:34:39 RE: [EXTERNAL] Re: performance expectations for table(s) with 2B recs