On Wed, Jun 17, 2015 at 4:11 PM, Jim Nasby <Jim(dot)Nasby(at)bluetreble(dot)com> wrote:
> On 6/16/15 8:26 AM, Sawada Masahiko wrote:
>> I noticed while using gin function of pageinspect that there are some
>> inconsistency data types.
>> For example, data type of GinMetaPageData.head, and tail is
>> BlockNumber, i.g, uint32.
>> But in ginfunc.c, we get that value as int64.
> You can't put a uint32 into a signed int32 (which is what the SQL int is).
> That's why it's returning a bigint.
I understood why it's returning a bigint.
Sawada Masahiko