Require suggestion for issue #6513

From: Rohit Bhati <rohit(dot)bhati(at)enterprisedb(dot)com>
To: pgadmin-hackers(at)postgresql(dot)org
Subject: Require suggestion for issue #6513
Date: 2024-11-21 07:48:21
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Lists: pgadmin-hackers

Hi Hackers,

I have been working on issue #6513
<> and have implemented
some changes based on user suggestions. Here’s a summary of the
modifications I made locally:

1. *Button Label Changes*:
- Updated the labels of the buttons to "Delete" or "Disconnect" for
affirmative actions.
- Changed the label "No" to "Cancel" for negative actions.
2. *Icon Additions*:
- Added appropriate icons for the "Disconnect" and "Delete" actions.

I would like your input on whether these changes should be applied
universally across all delete and disconnect scenarios, or if they should
be limited to just the database delete and disconnect actions.

Please find the attached screenshots showcasing the changes.

Thank you for your feedback!

Best regards,
Rohit Bhati

Attachment Content-Type Size
image/png 34.8 KB
image/png 36.4 KB


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