Re: Proposing Side Workspace in pgAdmin 4 for Query Tool, PSQL and Schema Diff

From: Zaid Shabbir <zaidshabbir(at)gmail(dot)com>
To: Akshay Joshi <akshay(dot)joshi(at)enterprisedb(dot)com>
Cc: pgadmin-hackers <pgadmin-hackers(at)postgresql(dot)org>
Subject: Re: Proposing Side Workspace in pgAdmin 4 for Query Tool, PSQL and Schema Diff
Date: 2024-08-13 10:07:04
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Lists: pgadmin-hackers

Hello Akshay,

Nice to hear about the new enhancement. I’m curious about why we need a new
workspace approach and how it benefits the end user.

Will we be able to restrict access to different users in different
workspaces? If so, how can we configure this?"



On Tue, Aug 13, 2024 at 12:58 PM Akshay Joshi <akshay(dot)joshi(at)enterprisedb(dot)com>

> Hi All,
> I’m currently developing a proof of concept (POC) for integrating a side
> workspace (7708 <>)
> into pgAdmin 4 similar to the workspaces found in VSCode and PyCharm. This
> workspace will be for Query Tool, PSQL, and Schema Diff Tool. I’ve
> completed the initial phase of this POC and would appreciate your feedback
> on the following points:
> 1. Does this approach seem promising?
> 2. We plan to make the interface configurable, allowing users to
> choose between "Classic UI" and "Workspace UI." We’ll also work on
> selecting appropriate labels for these options.
> *How it works/behaves:*
> - The first workspace is the general workspace, which includes the
> Object Explorer and other basic tabs (retaining the current look and feel).
> - The second workspace is dedicated solely to the Query Tool, where
> we’ll introduce a welcome page (the design is still in progress). Every
> Query Tool and View/Edit Data tab will open within this workspace.
> - The third workspace is reserved for PSQL, where all PSQL tabs will
> be opened.
> - The fourth workspace is specifically for Schema Diff, where all
> Schema Diff tabs will be opened.
> *Challenges:*
> - Drag and Drop objects from the General workspace to the Query Tool
> workspace.
> - Changing the UI from "Classic" to "Workpsace" and vice versa based
> on preference setting.
> I have created an installer for OSX and Windows if you would like to check
> the behavior you can download it from
> Few Screenshots:
> [image: Screenshot 2024-08-13 at 1.00.19 PM.png]. [image:
> Screenshot 2024-08-13 at 1.01.02 PM.png]
> [image: Screenshot 2024-08-13 at 1.01.20 PM.png]. [image:
> Screenshot 2024-08-13 at 1.01.35 PM.png]
> Akshay Joshi
> Principle Software Architect
> * Blog*:
> * GitHub*:
> * LinkedIn*:

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