Re: Some ExecSeqScan optimizations

From: David Rowley <dgrowleyml(at)gmail(dot)com>
To: Amit Langote <amitlangote09(at)gmail(dot)com>
Cc: PostgreSQL-development <pgsql-hackers(at)postgresql(dot)org>, Junwang Zhao <zhjwpku(at)gmail(dot)com>
Subject: Re: Some ExecSeqScan optimizations
Date: 2025-01-06 13:18:38
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On Sat, 21 Dec 2024 at 00:41, Amit Langote <amitlangote09(at)gmail(dot)com> wrote:
> To address (1), I tried assigning specialized functions to
> PlanState.ExecProcNode in ExecInitSeqScan() based on whether qual or
> projInfo are NULL. Inspired by David Rowley’s suggestion to look at
> ExecHashJoinImpl(), I wrote variants like ExecSeqScanNoQual() (for
> qual == NULL) and ExecSeqScanNoProj() (for projInfo == NULL). These
> call a local version of ExecScan() that lives in nodeSeqScan.c, marked
> always-inline. This local copy takes qual and projInfo as arguments,
> letting compilers inline and optimize unnecessary branches away.

I tested the performance of this and I do see close to a 5%
performance increase in TPC-H Q1. Nice.

I'm a little concerned with the method the patch takes where it copies
most of ExecScan and includes it in nodeSeqscan.c. If there are any
future changes to ExecScan, someone might forget to propagate those
changes into nodeSeqscan.c's version. What if instead you moved
ExecScan() into a header file and made it static inline? That way
callers would get their own inlined copy with the callback functions
inlined too, which for nodeSeqscan is good, since the recheck callback
does nothing.

Just as an additional reason for why I think this might be a better
idea is that the patch doesn't seem to quite keep things equivalent as
in the process of having ExecSeqScanNoEPQImpl() directly call
SeqNext() without going through ExecScanFetch is that you've lost a

On the other hand, one possible drawback from making ExecScan a static
inline is that any non-core code that uses ExecScan won't get any bug
fixes if we were to fix some bug in ExecScan in a minor release unless
the extension is compiled again. That could be fixed by keeping
ExecScan as an extern function and maybe just having ExecScanExtended
as the static inline version.

Another thing I wondered about is the naming conversion you're using
for these ExecSeqScan variant functions.

+ExecSeqScanNoQualNoProj(PlanState *pstate)
+ExecSeqScanNoQual(PlanState *pstate)
+ExecSeqScanNoProj(PlanState *pstate)
+ExecSeqScanNoEPQ(PlanState *pstate)

I think it's better to have a naming convention that aims to convey
what the function does do rather than what it does not do.

I've attached my workings of what I was messing around with. It seems
to perform about the same as your version. I think maybe we'd need
some sort of execScan.h instead of where I've stuffed the functions

It would also be good if there was some way to give guarantees to the
compiler that a given pointer isn't NULL. For example in:

return ExecScanExtended(&node->ss,
(ExecScanAccessMtd) SeqNext,
(ExecScanRecheckMtd) SeqRecheck,

It would be good if when ExecScanExtended is inlined the compiler
wouldn't emit code for the "if (qual == NULL)" ... part. I don't know
if there's any way to do that. I thought I'd mention it in case
someone can think of a way... I guess you could add another parameter
that gets passed as a const and have the "if" test look at that
instead, that's a bit ugly though.


Attachment Content-Type Size
inline_ExecScan.patch.txt text/plain 19.7 KB

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