Re: insert in an array of composite type

From: Maxime FRYSOU <maxprocess(at)gmail(dot)com>
To: Tom Lane <tgl(at)sss(dot)pgh(dot)pa(dot)us>
Cc: pgsql-sql(at)lists(dot)postgresql(dot)org
Subject: Re: insert in an array of composite type
Date: 2020-04-26 06:57:04
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Hi Tom, hi David

Sorry for the late reply. When I was reading the doc, I was wondering why
the is 2 ways to create an array ... now I know :D

You're so right, cause, especially since the tests are performed by a go
script ( by using the placeholders ) so it's gonna be way easier to create
the array at the SQL level.

Thank you so much for your precious advice and for the clarification.

Wish you a good day :)

*Maxime Frysou*

*maxprocess(at)gmail(dot)com <maxprocess(at)gmail(dot)com>Tél : +33 (*0)6 49 66 70 69*maximefrysou*


On Sun, 26 Apr 2020 at 00:23, Tom Lane <tgl(at)sss(dot)pgh(dot)pa(dot)us> wrote:

> Maxime FRYSOU <maxprocess(at)gmail(dot)com> writes:
> > Code speaks louder than words, so order to abstract most of the
> > complexity, and to focus on the syntax, the products table is obviously
> not
> > representative of the real one. My goal here is to make a "simple"
> insert.
> > CREATE TYPE color AS (rgb RGB, label VARCHAR(50));
> > CREATE TABLE products (index SERIAL PRIMARY KEY, colors color []);
> > And this is where it's not working ...
> > INSERT INTO products (colors)
> > (
> > '{ (("18", "15", "55"), "BLACK" )',
> > '("137", "231", "129"), "GREEN" )}' :: color []
> > )
> Yeah, you'd need to apply the quoting rules for arrays over those for
> (two levels of) records, and you didn't. TBH, the easiest way to deal
> with that is not to. You can build the structures at the SQL level
> instead:
> INSERT INTO products (colors)
> array[ row(row('18','15','55'), 'BLACK')::color,
> row(row('137','231','129'), 'GREEN')::color ]
> );
> If you really want to do it the hard way, one valid representation is
> INSERT INTO products (colors)
> (
> '{"(\"(18,15,55)\",BLACK)","(\"(137,231,129)\",GREEN)"}'::color[]
> );
> regards, tom lane

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