From: | Maxime FRYSOU <maxprocess(at)gmail(dot)com> |
To: | pgsql-sql(at)lists(dot)postgresql(dot)org |
Subject: | insert in an array of composite type |
Date: | 2020-04-25 21:45:02 |
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Lists: | pgsql-sql |
Hi guys,
I'm back to the world of development and saying that I struggle these days
is a euphemism but I guess it's the price to pay after 7 years without
coding :)
I'm trying to experiment with the Array type along with the composite
types. I've read that most of the times we think about arrays of
composites, we may reconsider the problem and maybe opt for creating a
distinct table...
But, with my example, it is not that obvious cause the array is a field
containing the 2 predominant colours of a product. Each colour is
represented by 2 fields: RGB and a label.
Because indexes are available in arrays, as well as on a column within an
array I wanted to test the feature. In this scenario, it's a 2-items
array, values won't change once the record is inserted. 95% of the
operations on this array would be reading the values as it is and filtering
on the 2 first items without any calculation or conversions.
Code speaks louder than words, so order to abstract most of the
complexity, and to focus on the syntax, the products table is obviously not
representative of the real one. My goal here is to make a "simple" insert.
CREATE TYPE color AS (rgb RGB, label VARCHAR(50));
CREATE TABLE products (index SERIAL PRIMARY KEY, colors color []);
And this is where it's not working ...
INSERT INTO products (colors)
'{ (("18", "15", "55"), "BLACK" )',
'("137", "231", "129"), "GREEN" )}' :: color []
Thanks for your help :)
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Next Message | David G. Johnston | 2020-04-25 22:15:50 | Re: insert in an array of composite type |
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