Re: Confine vacuum skip logic to lazy_scan_skip

From: Thomas Munro <thomas(dot)munro(at)gmail(dot)com>
To: Tomas Vondra <tomas(at)vondra(dot)me>
Cc: Melanie Plageman <melanieplageman(at)gmail(dot)com>, Noah Misch <noah(at)leadboat(dot)com>, vignesh C <vignesh21(at)gmail(dot)com>, Andres Freund <andres(at)anarazel(dot)de>, Pg Hackers <pgsql-hackers(at)postgresql(dot)org>, Heikki Linnakangas <hlinnaka(at)iki(dot)fi>, Nazir Bilal Yavuz <byavuz81(at)gmail(dot)com>, Robert Haas <robertmhaas(at)gmail(dot)com>, "Andrey M(dot) Borodin" <x4mmm(at)yandex-team(dot)ru>
Subject: Re: Confine vacuum skip logic to lazy_scan_skip
Date: 2025-01-18 21:31:25
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On Sun, Jan 19, 2025 at 5:51 AM Tomas Vondra <tomas(at)vondra(dot)me> wrote:
> * Does it still make sense to default to eic=1? For this particular test
> increasing eic=4 often cuts the duration in half (especially on nvme
> storage).

Maybe it wasn't a bad choice for systems with one spinning disk, but
obviously typical hardware has changed completely since then. Bruce
even changed the docs to recommend "hundreds" on SSDs (46eafc88). We
could definitely consider changing the value, but this particular
thing is using the READ_STREAM_MAINTENANCE flag, so it uses
maintenance_io_concurrency, and that one defaults to 10. That's also
arbitrary and quite small, but I think it means we can avoid choosing
new defaults for now :-) For the non-maintenance one, we might want
to think about tweaking that in the context of bitmap heapscan?

(Interestingly, MySQL seems to have a related setting defaulting to
10k, but that may be a system-wide setting, IDK. Our settings are
quite low level, per "operation", or really per stream. In an
off-list chat with Robert and Andres, we bounced around some new
names, and the one I liked best was io_concurrency_per_stream. It
would be accurate but bring a new implementation detail to the UX. I
actually like that about it: it's like
max_parallel_workers_per_gather, and also just the way work_mem is
really work_mem_per_<something>: yes it is low level but is an honest
expression of how (un)sophisticated our resource usage controls are
today. Perhaps we'll eventually figure out how to balance all
resources dynamically from global limits...)

> * Why are we limiting ioc to <= 256kB? Per the benchmark it seems it
> might be beneficial to set even higher values.

That comes from:


... which comes from:

/* Define a reasonable maximum that is safe to use on the stack. */
#define PG_IOV_MAX Min(IOV_MAX, 32)

There are a few places that use either PG_IOV_MAX or
MAX_IO_COMBINE_LIMIT to size a stack array, but those should be OK
with a bigger number as the types are small: buffer, pointer, or
struct iovec (16 bytes). For example, if it were 128 then we could do
1MB I/O, a nice round number, and arrays of those types would still
only be 2kB or less. The other RDBMSes I googled seem to have max I/O
sizes of around 512kB or 1MB, some tunable explicitly, some derived
from other settings.

I picked 128kB as the default combine limit because it comes up in
lots of other places eg readahead size, and seemed to work pretty
well, and is definitely supportable on all POSIX systems (see POSIX
IOV_MAX, which is allowed to be as low as 16). I chose a maximum that
was just a bit more, but not much more because I was also worried
about how many places would eventually finish up wasting a lot of
memory by having to multiply that by
number-of-possible-I/Os-in-progress or other similar ideas, but I was
expecting we'd want to increase it. read_stream.c doesn't do that
sort of multiplication itself, but you can see a case like that in
Andres's AIO patchset here:

So for example if io_max_concurrency defaults to 1024; you'd get 2MB
of iovecs in shared memory with PG_IOV_MAX of 128, instead of 512kB
today. We can always discuss defaults separately but that case
doesn't seem like a problem from here...

Nice results, thanks!

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