Database disconnection due to timeout

From: Erik Serrano <eserranos(at)gmail(dot)com>
To: Pgsql-admin <pgsql-admin(at)lists(dot)postgresql(dot)org>
Subject: Database disconnection due to timeout
Date: 2024-12-02 16:34:33
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Lists: pgsql-admin

Hi guys, nice to meet you .. I have to solve a user problem against the
postgresql database that is located in the Azure cloud as (IaaS) that is
happening to you the following:

A user drops the connection from his console to the replica slave database
due to timeout, it is possible that there is a parameter within the
configuration file (postgresql.conf) connection (pg_hba.conf) or replica
manager (repmgr.conf) that allows me to solve this problem.

- The database is in an Azure IaaS.
- The database allows the connection, but the user drops due to timeout
- I can connect to the same server and database with their credentials
- Firewall allows the connection.
- the configuration in pg_hba.conf owns the user
- user connects through DBeaver
- The database postgreSQL is version 15
- user is the owner of the database

Any contribution is appreciated.

Thank you very much for your contributions and help.

*Erik R. Serrano Saavedra*
*Ingeniero de Sistemas Informáticos*


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