Re: Require suggestions on feature #5766

From: Dave Page <dpage(at)pgadmin(dot)org>
To: Anil Sahoo <anil(dot)sahoo(at)enterprisedb(dot)com>
Cc: pgadmin-hackers <pgadmin-hackers(at)postgresql(dot)org>
Subject: Re: Require suggestions on feature #5766
Date: 2024-11-27 17:04:09
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On Wed, 27 Nov 2024 at 07:58, Anil Sahoo <anil(dot)sahoo(at)enterprisedb(dot)com>

> Hi Dave/Team,
> I am currently working on the auto-update feature of pgAdmin 4 desktop
> application, #5766 <>.
> As we are using Electron for shipping our desktop application, I have gone
> through some possible ways we can implement the auto update of the app.
> I found 2 most popular ways, that are
> 1. *Use builtin electron’s autoUpdater* (Uses the Squirrel framework &
> Available for Mac, Windows)
> 2. *Use electron-builder and electron-updater packages *(Available for
> Mac, Windows and Linux systems)
> *Linux systems:*
> - Builtin Electron’s autoUpdater support is not available.
> - electron-builder and electron-updater can be used, but need to
> change the whole build process. Also most apps like VS code, Chrome, etc
> does not support auto-update of apps on linux systems.
> We should not try to auto-update on Linux, because we're using the
platform native packaging and auto-updating will cause nasty problems with

> *Mac systems:*
> - We can use the builtin Electron’s autoUpdater to add auto-update
> feature to macOs systems, It is simple and easy to configure. We need a
> minor modification in our build process i.e. as we are supporting Intel and
> Apple silicon chips, deployment url will have 2 zip files and each zip file
> will hold the build for arm64 and x86_64.
> - electron-builder and electron-updater can be used. With this, we
> have to change the whole build process.
> *Windows systems:*
> - We can use the builtin Electron’s autoUpdater to add auto-update
> feature to windows systems, Here also we need to change our build process.
> Electron’s docs recommend using electron-winstaller or electron forge to
> create the installer and some extra changes are needed in the deployment
> server.
> - electron-builder and electron-updater can be used. With this, we
> have to change the whole build process.
> As Electron's builtin autoUpdater is easy to use so for now we can move
> with the auto-update of the pgAdmin app on macOs systems as it requires
> minimal changes.

That certainly sounds like the better option. A couple of questions:

- What changes are required in the deployment server? We are very limited
here, as we deploy through the infrastructure.

- Whilst the docs (for Windows) recommend using electron-winstaller or
electron forge, can you confirm one of them *must* be used? Our current
installer is pretty standard in the way it works, so I'm curious to know if
we would actually need to change technology for a specific reason.


Dave Page

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