Require suggestion for issue #8007

From: Pravesh Sharma <pravesh(dot)sharma(at)enterprisedb(dot)com>
To: pgadmin-hackers(at)postgresql(dot)org
Subject: Require suggestion for issue #8007
Date: 2024-10-08 12:56:16
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Lists: pgadmin-hackers

Hi Hackers,

We have been working on issue #8007
<>. After our analysis,
we found that the length and scale of the argument's data type are not
stored in the database server, making it difficult to fetch. In the
debugger, pgAdmin typecasts the provided value to its data type when
calling the function, which is causing the issue.

If we typecast the value to a character without specifying the length, it
is treated as a character (1) (character of length 1). For example, the
output of SELECT 'pgadmin', 'pgadmin'::character; is different.

There are two solutions we can consider:

1. Do not typecast if the data type is character.
2. Typecast to varchar when the data type is character.

Please provide your suggestions which solution looks good to you.


Pravesh Sharma

Software Engineer

+91 9406461406


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