hi over there,
I'm not quite sure, wether I'm right or not.
It seems there's a bug/missing feature in the WIN32 (native) specific part of libpq.
If one wants to use the statically linked version of libpq, WSAStartup (in libpqdll.c) never gets called and subsequent actions will fail. In fact WSAStartup only is called when linking to libpqdll.lib.
Any comments?
C. Hatger
name: carsten hatger
addr: universität hannover
addr: institut für kartographie und geoinformatik
addr: appelstrasse 9a
addr: 30167 hannover
tel: +49 511 762-3726
fax: +49 511 762-2780
mail: carsten(dot)hatger(at)ikg(dot)uni-hannover(dot)de
web: http://www.ikg.uni-hannover.de