DB Restriction field borks on datname IN ('blah') or datname='blah' with the error: "ERROR: operator does not exist: name <> boolean LINE 5: WHERE datname NOT IN (datname='blah')
Here's the full query from the logs being sent from pgAdmin:
SELECT db.oid, datname, db.dattablespace AS spcoid, spcname, datallowconn, datconfig, datacl, pg_encoding_to_char(encoding) AS serverencoding, pg_get_userbyid(datdba) AS datowner,has_database_privilege(db.oid, 'CREATE') as cancreate, current_setting('default_tablespace') AS default_tablespace FROM pg_database db LEFT OUTER JOIN pg_tablespace ta ON db.dattablespace=ta.OID WHERE datname NOT IN (datname='blah')
Zach Conrad