"Dong, Meng" <eddy(at)securities(dot)com> writes:
> SGkgZ3V5cywNCg0KSSBtZWV0IGEgcHJvYmxlbSB3aGVuIHRyeSB0byBpbXBv
> YWJsZSBieSBjb21tYW5kICdjb3B5IGZyb20nLiBBIHNhbXBsZSBwcm9jZWR1
> cmUgaXMgZXhwbGFpbmVkIGFzIGZvbGxvdywNCg0KDQpmaXJzdCwgSSBnZW5l
> cmF0ZSBhIGZpbGUgY2FsbGVkICAvaG9tZS90ZW1wL3Rlc3QudHh0LCBsZXQn
> [ etc ]
Please don't send HTML mail to the lists.
Although I'm not having any luck quoting your mail, I can tell
you that copying int8 values works fine for me. If the error
message is spelled exactly as you show it, it suggests that's
what's really in your data file is not
123 456
'123' '456'
regards, tom lane