Re: Intermittent errors when fetching cursor rows on PostgreSQL 16

From: Adrian Klaver <adrian(dot)klaver(at)aklaver(dot)com>
To: Enrico Schenone <eschenone(at)cleistech(dot)it>, pgsql-general(at)lists(dot)postgresql(dot)org
Cc: Massimo Catti <mcatti(at)cleistech(dot)it>, Livio Pizzolo <lpizzolo(at)cleistech(dot)it>
Subject: Re: Intermittent errors when fetching cursor rows on PostgreSQL 16
Date: 2025-01-13 17:26:09
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On 1/13/25 08:59, Enrico Schenone wrote:
> Il 13/01/25 17:19, Adrian Klaver ha scritto:
>> On 1/13/25 00:45, Enrico Schenone wrote:
>>> Hello, Adrian.
>>> As I said days ago, I have arranged a kind of stress test in
>>> production environment.
>>> I wrote a program that loads a temporary table, loads 2049 rows into
>>> them from a baseline_table and finally declare two nested cursors.
>>> The first cursor is on the temp table as parent while the second is
>>> on a lookup table as child.
>>> The program logic is the transposition of one fragment of several
>>> production programs that was failing on cursors, and has to be
>>> intended as a POC only.
>>> And Well, I'm quite confused: no error at all has been detected, not
>>> only on the test programs but in the whole production system. The
>>> error was completely disappeared.
>>> Then I have stopped the four tasks of the stress test leaving all
>>> other services running for a week, and again no error at all.
>>> No setup was changed nor servers was rebooted, nor infrastructure has
>>> been upgraded during the test period.
>> You are absolutely sure about the above?
> I can say Yes. All test operations has been logged and verified against
> the Postgresql log.
> The only component not under my control is the Provider's
> Infrastructure, but  the infrastructure admin ensured me that no
> operation at all has been made. I beleave him because it is a reliable
> tecnician end a well known person.

In your OP you stated:

"Production environments can be:

* Distinct application server and DB server on distinct subnets (no
dropped packet detected on firewall, no memory/disk/network failure
detected by "nmon" tool)
* Distinct application server and DB server on same subnet (no firewall)
* Same server for PostgreSQL and applications

In all those cases are the various servers all running completely within
the providers infrastructure?

>> Errors that 'fix' themselves are the most frustrating kind, as you
>> know in the back of your mind they will likely pop up again.
> True, knocking again to my door ... I still can't beleave.

Going forward one of three things are likely to happen:

1) The error never shows again.

2) It does show up again but in a manner that allows it to be traced.

3) The worst case, it plays hide and seek as previously.

> Thanks a lot for your interest in sharing my strange experience.
> Best regards.
> Enrico
> *Enrico Schenone*
> Software Architect

Adrian Klaver

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