Ying Lu <ying_lu(at)cs(dot)concordia(dot)ca> writes:
> Hello,
> Under mysql, we have "desc tablename" to get the detail information
> about a table. My question is about to get column name, and column
> type for a specific table under PostgreSQL through JDBC.
> Assume we have a table named "test". Under PSQL, we can input "\d
> test" to see the details about table "test" successufully. However,
> my main purpose is trying to get column name, column name of a table
> through JDBC.
The backslash commands are specific to 'psql'. From Java you'll need
to query the INFORMATION_SCHEMA or the system catalogs.
Let us cross over the river, and rest under the shade of the trees.
--T. J. Jackson, 1863