Re: pgbouncer and pgbackrest rpm on ppc64le

From: Devrim Gündüz <devrim(at)gunduz(dot)org>
To: Chuan Hua Zhao <chuanhuazhao(at)gmail(dot)com>, pgsql-pkg-yum(at)lists(dot)postgresql(dot)org
Subject: Re: pgbouncer and pgbackrest rpm on ppc64le
Date: 2024-12-05 09:00:48
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Lists: pgsql-pkg-yum


On Tue, 2024-11-26 at 15:01 +0800, Chuan Hua Zhao wrote:
> It seems there are some rpm missed for pgbouncer and pgbackrest on
> ppc64le. Could you please build these packages?

We had a hardware crash which caused data loss in our RHEL 8 - ppc64
instance months ago. Replaced it with a new one, but I'm not extremely
excited to support this combination as apparently we have 2 users only.

So not only these packages are missing, also PostgreSQL is not updated
on this platform recently, oh and no other packages received updates for
at least a few months.

Still it is my todo list for this month as it is the quiet month of the


Devrim Gündüz
Open Source Solution Architect, PostgreSQL Major Contributor
Twitter: @DevrimGunduz , @DevrimGunduzTR

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