I'm trying to find the set of records that are not in a comma delimited
list using an SQL statement like:
SELECT name FROM construction WHERE name NOT IN ('a1 ', 'a2
', '') ORDER BY name;
The values in the field are padded with spaces and I have to keep them
that way for data integrity between software systems. If I send this
statement to the PostgreSQL database with ADO via the ODBC driver
(adoRs.Open sql, dbconn, adOpenStatic, adLockOptimistic) I don't get any
records. However, if I execute the same statement in psql directly, I
get nineteen rows.
Is there a property setting or something that I'm missing when using the
<http://www.nisc.coop/> Erika Marlow___________________
Senior Software Specialist
National Information Solutions Cooperative
One Innovation Circle
Lake St. Louis, MO 63367
**Email: erika(dot)marlow(at)nisc(dot)coop <mailto:erika(dot)marlow(at)nisc(dot)coop>
**Phone: 866.WWW.NISC (866.999.6472)
**Direct: 636.755.2519