"Michael Harris \(BR/EPA\)" <michael(dot)harris(at)ericsson(dot)com> writes:
> Whenever any kind of query is done on the table below, this is the
> result:
> ispdb_vxe=> select * from pm.carrier_on_13642;
> ERROR: cache lookup failed for type 0
Hmm, seems like something happened to your system catalogs, but where
exactly? Try this:
select * from pg_attribute where attrelid = 'pm.carrier_on_13642'::regclass;
and look whether any of the atttypid fields are zero. If so, does
anything else look wrong? If not, the problem must be further afield
--- have you got any triggers, check constraints, etc on this table?
(Can you do "\d" on it?)
regards, tom lane