Advanced Patch Feedback Session / 2025

From: Tomas Vondra <tomas(at)vondra(dot)me>
To: PostgreSQL Hackers <pgsql-hackers(at)lists(dot)postgresql(dot)org>
Subject: Advanced Patch Feedback Session / 2025
Date: 2025-03-13 16:37:39
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Lists: pgsql-hackers

Hi all, 2025 will host "Advanced Patch Feedback Session", with the
same format as in 2024 [1]:

Participants will work in small groups with a Postgres committer to
analyze a past contribution or attempted contribution, discussing
what they could have done better both in the patch and communication
about the patch. Applications are now closed and applicants have been

Per the schedule [2], the APFS is on Tuesday, May 13, 14:00 - 17:30. The
APFS session is organized by me, Robert Haas and Amit Kapila.



At this point we're looking for those who would like to participate in
this session, and get feedback for some of their patches.

The session would be similar to [1] in that we construct groups each
containing one or more committer volunteers and several non-committer
contributors who have patches about which they want feedback. The
committers look at the patches from the non-committers in their group
in advance of the session, and then give whatever feedback they have.
This can be about technical details of the patches, general technical
matters, or tactical/communication aspects.

We strongly recommend non-committers to also review each other's patches
in a similar manner, so that they can benefit from feedback given to
other members of the group, or (even better) to participate in the
discussion and share their feedback.

All this can be for long-term general education but also for short-term
tactical purposes, depending on what the group thinks is beneficial.

If you'd like to participate in this session as either a patch author
who wants their patch reviewed or as a reviewer/committer/group
leader, please use one of these forms to register:

- patch author:

- committer:

If applying as a patch author, please also include a commitfest link
or two about what patches you have pending and would like to focus on.
To be considered, a patch should have some nontrivial level of size or
complexity or difficulty so that it's worth having a meeting about it.
If you have specific questions / areas for feedback, please describe
those in the patch comment.

If you have any logistical caveats, like you are still waiting for
travel approval, please include that. Beyond those kinds of things,
please don't sign up unless you really can and want to come and make
your own way there. It would be very wasteful and disappointing if a
bunch of people signed up and then didn't show up.

Given that is just about 8 weeks away, we would like to get
this first round of feedback in the next 2 weeks (by Friday, March 28),
so that we can proceed with further steps (forming groups, etc.)

If needed, feel free to ask question - either here, or get in touch
directly with either of the organizers (me, Robert or Amit).

kind regards

Tomas Vondra

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