On 2015/10/23 18:51, Etsuro Fujita wrote:
> On 2015/10/23 6:06, Robert Haas wrote:
>> Good catch. Committed and back-patched to 9.5.
> Thanks, Amit and Robert!
> This is really really nitpicking, but I noticed that there is an implicit
> rule concerning the message format in ATWrongRelkindError; if more than
> two objects are present, the message is "\"%s\" is not a foo, bar, or
> baz". ("or" is preceded by a comma!) So, would it be better that the
> former is "\"%s\" is not a table, view, or foreign table"?
Oops! Yeah, I missed the comma there. That seems like a generally
preferred punctuation rule (the comma before conjunction(s) I mean).