Re: md.c vs elog.c vs smgrreleaseall() in barrier

From: Andres Freund <andres(at)anarazel(dot)de>
To: Thomas Munro <thomas(dot)munro(at)gmail(dot)com>
Cc: pgsql-hackers(at)postgresql(dot)org
Subject: Re: md.c vs elog.c vs smgrreleaseall() in barrier
Date: 2025-03-13 23:23:02
Message-ID: 4qtmksxdbbp3pb7dqmn6lnzzdv7ujnizmbqtfbwm7c25waavtk@i6iyjrhk5eh5
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On 2025-03-14 11:31:47 +1300, Thomas Munro wrote:
> 2. Somehow tell elog.c not to call CHECK_FOR_INTERRUPTS() instead.
> Also yuck, but at least elog.c is already the right place to clean
> state up on non-local exit...

How would that differ from HOLD_INTERRUPTS?

> 3. Considering errfinish()'s stated goal, a sort of backstop to help
> you cancel looping message-spewing code only, I wonder if we should
> just restrict the kinds of interrupts it processes, so that it only
> calls CFI() if we're definitely throwing ERROR or FATAL?

I'm not even sure it'd be safe to ERROR out in all the relevant places...

/* implementation-specific initialization */

/* it is not pinned yet */
reln->pincount = 0;
dlist_push_tail(&unpinned_relns, &reln->node);

doesn't this mean that ->pincount is uninitialized in case smgr_open() errors
out and that we'd loose track of the reln because it wasn't yet added to

We should probably make sure it's safe against ERROR, given that there are
several paths towards that...

> Could anything else be accidentally on elog() CFIs? Seems pretty weird?

Hm, can't quite parse this...

> > If we go for that, I can see an argument for doing that in smgr.c instead of
> > md.c, afaict any plausible smgr implementation would run into this, as the
> > smgrcloseall() is triggered from the smgr level.
> Seems like maybe not a great idea to assume that future smgrs will be
> OK with being non-interruptible, if it can be avoided?

I think you'd need a fairly large surgery of smgr.c to make that viable - I
rather doubt that smgr.c itself is actually safe against interrupts.

I can see some arguable uses of smgr handling interrupts, say an smgr
implementation based on a network backed store, but you'd need rather massive
changes to actually be sure that smgr.c is called while accepting interrupts -
e.g. today sgmrwritev() will largely be called with interrupts held. Plenty
reads too. I doubt that undoing a few HOLD_INTERRUPTS() is a meaningful part
of the necessary work.


Andres Freund

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