Re: explain analyze rows=%.0f

From: Alena Rybakina <a(dot)rybakina(at)postgrespro(dot)ru>
To: Ilia Evdokimov <ilya(dot)evdokimov(at)tantorlabs(dot)com>
Cc: Robert Haas <robertmhaas(at)gmail(dot)com>, Andrei Lepikhov <lepihov(at)gmail(dot)com>, Matheus Alcantara <matheusssilv97(at)gmail(dot)com>, Guillaume Lelarge <guillaume(at)lelarge(dot)info>, Daniel Gustafsson <daniel(at)yesql(dot)se>, Ibrar Ahmed <ibrar(dot)ahmad(at)gmail(dot)com>, "Gregory Stark (as CFM)" <stark(dot)cfm(at)gmail(dot)com>, Tom Lane <tgl(at)sss(dot)pgh(dot)pa(dot)us>, Amit Kapila <amit(dot)kapila16(at)gmail(dot)com>, Justin Pryzby <pryzby(at)telsasoft(dot)com>, Peter Geoghegan <pg(at)bowt(dot)ie>, vignesh C <vignesh21(at)gmail(dot)com>, "David G(dot) Johnston" <david(dot)g(dot)johnston(at)gmail(dot)com>, pgsql-hackers(at)lists(dot)postgresql(dot)org
Subject: Re: explain analyze rows=%.0f
Date: 2025-02-11 19:43:30
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Lists: pgsql-hackers

Hi! Thank you for your valuable work on this!

On 11.02.2025 22:18, Ilia Evdokimov wrote:
> On 11.02.2025 20:41, Robert Haas wrote:
>> On Tue, Feb 11, 2025 at 12:14 PM Andrei Lepikhov <lepihov(at)gmail(dot)com>
>> wrote:
>>> I support the idea in general, but I believe it should be expanded to
>>> cover all cases of parameterised plan nodes. Each rescan iteration may
>>> produce a different number of tuples, and rounding can obscure
>>> important
>>> data.
>>> For example, consider five loops of a scan node: the first loop returns
>>> nine tuples, and each other - zero tuples. When we calculate the
>>> average, 9 divided by 5 equals 1.8. This results in an explanation that
>>> indicates "rows = 1," masking almost 40% of the data.
>>> Now, if we apply the same two loops but have a total of 900,000 tuples,
>>> then 400,000 masked tuples represent a significant portion of the data.
>>> Moreover, switching to a floating-point type for row explanations in
>>> each parameterised node would provide a more comprehensive view and add
>>> valuable information about the parameterisation of the node, which may
>>> not be immediately apparent.
>> I agree strongly with all of this. I believe we should just implement
>> what was agreed here:
>> Let's just display 2 fractional digits when nloops>1, else 0, and
>> call it good.
> Thank you for your review!
> With such example, it's hard to disagree with it. This would really
> add valuable information. Taking all opinions into account, I have
> updated the patch v8. I have also included a check for the case where
> there are only zeros after the decimal point. We do not want to
> clutter the rows with unnecessary zeros.
I looked at the patch and agree with them. I would suggest adding a
description of how this can help in analyzing the query plans -
I think there is a lack of a description of the reason why this is done
in the commit message.
I would also add the same to the documentation with an example.

Alena Rybakina
Postgres Professional

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