On 02/27/2012 08:51 AM, James B. Byrne wrote:
> The options seem to be run the script as the owner of the
> plpgsql EXTENSION or do not include the comment.
> How does one instruct pg_dump not to include the COMMENT
> for the plpgsql extension?
Did some testing. So when you use 9.1 pg_dump to dump from versions
prior to 9.1 it pulls a language in using CREATE OR REPLACE langname
with no COMMENT on the language. If you use 9.1 pg_dump to dump a 9.1
database is uses the CREATE EXTENSION langname and adds the COMMENT you
are seeing. As I know of no way to disable COMMENTs in a dump you are
left with my suggestion from previous post, of running script as superuser.
Adrian Klaver