> Dan Ports wrote:
> On Mon, Jan 17, 2011 at 07:20:20PM -0600, Kevin Grittner wrote:
>> OK. I may need to bounce some questions off the list to resolve
>> some of them. The biggest, in my mind, is whether
>> MySerializableXact needs to be declared volatile. I don't have my
>> head around the issues on that as well as I might. Any thoughts on
>> it?
> I'd been meaning to ask about that too. I couldn't think of any
> reason it would need to be volatile. Why do you think it might need
> to be?
I honestly can't remember why I initially put that there -- possibly
because I had a notion that some modifications to the structure might
not need to be so closely synchronized with other processes as to
need have modifications covered by a LW lock, but not wanting them to
linger forever. It may be completely bogus.
The problem is that I don't have a very clear sense of what it really
does, which is not helped much by having done a few years of Java
programming, where the same keyword seems to have a vaguely-similar-
but-not-really-the-same meaning.