Tim Landscheidt <tim(at)tim-landscheidt(dot)de> wrote:
> One major flaw I see is that the fractional precision is
> fixed. Not only petrol stations split cents.
Well, I've never paid a petrol station a fraction of a cent; I've
only seen *rates* of money per some unit of measure with fractional
cents. If you're being accurate about assigning types, a rate like
that is no more money than speed is a distance. Likewise for
everywhere else I can think of such fractional cents -- for example,
hourly pay rates or tax mill rates on assessed value. These all (in
my experience) are multiplied by a number in the unit of measure of
the divisor to get a money amount without fractional cents before
you do anything with actual *money*.
While others may have had some contrary experience, I've worked with
many types of businesses, non-profit organizations, and government
agencies for 38 years, and can't recall having seen anywhere that
what you describe would cause a problem, when the type is used