Robert Haas <robertmhaas(at)gmail(dot)com> wrote:
> I don't understand how you managed to fill up 37GB of disk with
> WAL files. Every time you fill up checkpoint_segments * 16MB of
> WAL files, you ought to get a checkpoint. When it's complete, WAL
> segments completely written before the start of the checkpoint
> should be recyclable. Unless I'm confused, which apparently I am.
You're not alone. At first I was assuming that it was because of
archiving, but the OP says that's turned off. Unless it had been on
and there wasn't a *restart* after changing the configuration, I
can't see how this could happen, and was hoping someone else could
cast some light on the issue.
The one setting that gave me pause was:
but it doesn't seem like that should matter with: