Bruce Momjian <bruce(at)momjian(dot)us> wrote:
> The issues are different for every commitfest-beta period, so I have
> no idea what to list there, but we do alway have an open issues wiki
> that is maintained, at least for the most recent releases.
After a quick search of the wiki, it appears that the list for 8.4
and that there is not yet a list for 8.5. Is that correct?
If I understand what you're saying, this list would contain issues
where a patch was committed and later found to have problems which
need to be fixed. Did I understand that correctly? Anything else go
on there, or possibly belong on there? Can we take the absence of a
list for 8.5 to indicate that no such problems have been found with
any patches committed since 8.4 was tagged?