Jean-Michel Pouré<jm(at)poure(dot)com> wrote:
> Still casting.
For about the tenth time on the topic -- YOUR PROBLEM HAS NOTHING
WHATSOEVER TO DO WITH CASTING! Let that go so you can look for the
real problem.
Just as an example, look at this closely:
test=# create table t2 (c1 int not null primary key);
NOTICE: CREATE TABLE / PRIMARY KEY will create implicit index
"t2_pkey" for table "t2"
test=# insert into t2 select * from generate_series(1,10000);
INSERT 0 10000
test=# vacuum analyze;
test=# explain analyze select count(*) from t1 where c1 between 200
and 400;
Aggregate (cost=12.75..12.76 rows=1 width=0) (actual
time=0.764..0.765 rows=1 loops=1)
-> Index Scan using t1_pkey on t1 (cost=0.00..12.25 rows=200
width=0) (actual time=0.095..0.470 rows=201 loops=1)
Index Cond: (((c1)::integer >= 200) AND ((c1)::integer <=
Total runtime: 0.827 ms
(4 rows)
The type is always put in there so that you can see what it's doing;
it doesn't reflect anything which is actually taking any time.
Let it go.