Denis BUCHER wrote:
> Hello,
> Jan Verheyden a écrit :
>> I was looking in what way it’s possible to alert via mail when some
>> conditions are true in a database.
> a) If the alert is not "very urgent" i.e. you can alter some minutes
> later I would do it like this :
> 1. Create a function that returns what you need, most importantly if the
> conditions are met
> 2. Create a script that does something like "SELECT * FROM function()..."
> b) If the email should be sent immediately, you could create a perl
> function in the database, launched by a TRIGGER and launching an
> "external" script...
> Therefore, first you have to know the requirements...
> Denis
see "check_postgres" for nagios-style monitoring
see \o /tmp/alert_data_file
and \! mailx -s "alert" me(at)work(dot)com /tmp/alert_data_file